Princess- Oh Sehun

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I swear to god Asians are one of the most attractive races that stand on this planet.

Sehun watched as different races came and brought their people. It was time for the Wed game and by the looks of it, nobody was attractive to him.

The point of the wed games is that three different races put their most attractive man and woman up for the opportunity to be married to a king or queen. They will also be put to the test to see which race will be known as the warrior race for the next five years.

This tradition has continued for centuries and Sehun has seen just the same old colors in his royal line. He didn't think that hispanic women were unattractive but he just didn't find himself attracted to them.

A man in his mid thirties went to the mic and began to introduce the wed games. The sound of the man's voice annoyed Sehun so he tuned him out but continued to watch the event.

"For the asian competitors we have Hu Yitian and Kim Ji-soo." Sehun watched as his people walked out to the stage before they sat down in their seats.

"For the hispanic competitors we have Kari Ortez and Maria Denzel."The two competitors went to the stage and sat next to Sehun's competitors.

"For our Black competitors we have Jharrel Jerome and Tamari Ortega."When Sehun heard those words he immediately brought his full attention to the man and woman who walked from their friends and family and towards the stage.

Sehun's focus wasn't even on anybody except for the female. Her dark brown skin glowed like it was the only source of light in the bright arena. Her hair was big and puffy but yet it made Sehun yearn for just the feeling of her hair. Her body was short yet the curves on her body weren't.

She was so perfectly beautiful that she could make a goddess envy her. The end of the sleeves of her black sweater was tucked under her fingers as both her and Jharrel sat down next to the other competitors. She wore blue faded jeans with black and white converse on.

Sehun could tell that by the looks of her attitude that she was an introverted and shy girl

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Sehun could tell that by the looks of her attitude that she was an introverted and shy girl. Sehun felt the urge to protect her but wreck her at the same time. Suddenly the announcer quickly kicked Sehun out of his train of thought when he announced that it was time for the kings and queens of each race pick who they want to marry.

"King Sehun, who would you like to choose?"Sehun looked at the females but the moment he made eye contact with Tamari he immediately knew that he wanted to marry her.

"I choose Tamari Ortega."Everyone was quick to gasp at Sehun's statement. Never in their lives have they seen a korean King being married to a Black woman. Sehun could tell that Tamari was shook as well which caused him to smirk.

"Very well your highness. Tamari will be married to you."Tamari gulped and closed her eyes as she prayed in her head that Sehun won't treat her like a slave. Sehun leaned back into his seat and watched as the other kings and queens picked whoever they wanted.

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