MJ's Arrival

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Photo is Aurora's art :)
So she arrives UwU
Aurora- protag
MJ- protag
Rebecca- side, Aurora's friend
Lilly- side, Aurora's friend
Morgan- side, Aurora's friend
Savannah- side, Aurora's friend
Month- July
State: Wisconsin
MJ's PoV~
I sighed and buried my face deeper into my sweater. It was very humid in Wisconsin, and very hot as well in the middle of July, but I was getting used to it. I was looking for a place to stay. I didn't want to stay at a hotel, but I didn't want to bother any people in this peaceful little town. I had stopped in (I'm not giving out this personal info so just say my hometown) for a break, since coming all the way from Texas is tiring.

Well, if I had to stop at ahotel, I wasn't abouta trust their food there, so I stopped at a store called Gilbert's, some grocery store right outside town and grabbed some cereal for my breakfast. I also bought milk (because who eats cereal without milk?). I put it back in my car and decided to go on a walk, but I was hungry (like always) so I fixed some cereal to take with me. I knew it would probably look stupid to see me walking around eating cereal (especially since I forgot a spoon) with a black hoodie on in the middle of July, but I didn't care.

I was leisurely strolling along the pavement, slurping my cereal out of a bowl (luckily, I remembered that), as a group of girls came along. There were six of them, about my age, all walking and laughing happily. One had glasses and looked really tired even though she was laughing and shouting with the rest of them, then there was another with bifocals that was the shortest, another with short blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other two had dark brown hair and eyes, one with very pale skin and freckles.
Not as many freckles as I have, though.

As I was watching them pass, I accidentally bumped into the tired looking one, spilling my cereal all over her pants and some of her shirt.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry, oh my goodness!" I covered my mouth, mortified by what I had done.

She looked down in shock then stared up at me, furious. Fortunately for me, her face softened when she saw how desperate I was to be forgiven, overwhelmed with guilt by my own mistake.

"Hey, chill the fuck out." My head snapped forward, suddenly forgetting why I was so worried because of the kind twinkle that had settled in her eyes. She looked amused. I guess I would be too had it been me in her place.

Then I laughed. I laughed until my sides hurt at this stupid ass accident that caused us to meet. I laughed at my reaction. I laughed at her friends who where watching, confused, from the sidelines. I think the main reason I laughed so hard, though, was because she was cracking up with me.

The way she was so understanding was reliving. I sighed and stood up, sniffing because I laughed so hard I cried. She reached into a huge pocket in the front of her sweatshirt and pulled out tissues, cleaning her pants as best she could.

She looked up at me and grinned. "So what's a pretty lady like you doing all alone on the streets? Don'tcha gotta boy? You definitely deserve one." (A/N: According to people, northerners bunch their words together way more than necessary, even though everyone bunches their words, we do it a lot.
Also, I never mentioned how much of a flirt I am so like deal with it)

I bit my lip and wondered if I was blushing. Probably not, I thought to myself, because by the grace of God, I was not one to fluster easily.

"Um, I don't have a guy. I'm not sure if I'll get one, either. I'm pan." Her eyes glinted happily at that.

"What a coincidence, I'm pan too. This is my friend, Savanna," she motioned towards the blonde girl, who I now noticed had Bisexual flags on her cheeks like the tired one did.

"This is Lilly," she pointed at the shortest one, who had a white tank top under a shoulderless pink top and jeans. She had a lot of freckles and a long face, but smiled widely before going back to pestering the very pale freckled girl.

"That's Rebecca," She gestured toward the girl Lilly was arguing with. "That's Morgan," she pointed at the other dark haired girl with freckles.

"And I'm Aurora." She smiled at me and extended her hand. "You aren't from round here. Where ya from?"

"Um, Texas."

"Great! What brings you to Wisconsin? Is it the dells? It's kinda the only thing we're famous for besides being next to the great lakes."

"Yeah, Wisconsin dells. I'm, uh, well, call me MJ."

Aurora smirked in a friendly manner. "Where you stayin? People don't stop by this small town for no reason. They really should though. I wouldn't move if my life depended on it!"

"Um, I'm... Not sure where I'm staying. I have no idea. I just need a night and then I'm heading for Dells, but I didn't plan ahead."

"Hm. Wanna stay with me?" She graciously offered, but I knew I couldn't take her up on that. It was probably just a curtesy she decided to extended because I was noticeably new, helpless, and kind of lost.

I settled on causally rejecting her kindness, nonchalance lacing my features and voice in a seemingly unintentional way. Yeah, I could manage that.

I couldn't manage that. Instead of carrying out my plan, a rushed and slightly panicked, "What? No, no, I couldn't do that to you." fell from my lips.

"Ah, c'mon, I've got a guest room. Plus, even if you try anything, my friends're gonna be right there. We're sleeping over. And then you can hang out with us instead of bein alone all night!" I smiled. I liked her. Convinced, I finally nodded in agreement.
*Blasts Sincerely Me*

She stood up, only to be pushed to the ground when Lilly fell on her.

"FUCK YOU TOO!" Lilly shouted at Rebecca.

"That's reserved for my boyfriend!" She shouted back, unfazed. I guess they fought a lot.

"Argh! Aurora, can I kill her?"

Why is she asking her for permission? I thought wonderingly. Why would they ask her? Aurora sighed and patted Lilly on the head in mock despair.

"I am afraid, Colonel Brandt, that we must keep her breathing for information."

Lilly grinned. "YEAH! You still haven't told us who you like! Lilly exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Rebecca's chest teasingly. She shoved Lilly away.

"Fuck off."

"Aww, thanks, you're a fuckstick too." I smiled. I didn't know much about this strange group of miscreants, but I enjoyed the fact that I'd be spending an entire night with them, instead of sitting alone watching TV and dreading starting up the car in the morning.

I followed the rough group of girls back to Aurora's house.

Thank for reading guys! Cassia McNugget and I love u all so much!
Word count: 1227 words

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