Aurora's Place

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Art by Aurora :)
I got in my car and followed Aurora back, even though I probably could have walked since it was only 5 blocks down. Despite this, I still wanted my car closer in case something happened. Aurora and her friends just jogged behind the car, ignoring my offer to drive them.

Since I got to the house first, I took a moment to admire it.

The outside of the house was an Cinderella pale blue and two stories tall, catching the eye with its quaintly antique vibe, as if it was originally built around the 1930s. A gleaming white railing lined the perimeter of the front porch. Two striped chairs were set with a small, black, twisted metal table sat between them, a fresh vase of enchantingly arranged flowers set atop it. Bushes lined the underside of the front windows, filling the air with sweet smelling blooms that I was sure I had seen somewhere before, but couldn't put a name to.

After examining the house, I watched the girls catch up with me, all of them seeming rushed and hot, ready to be indoors. As they got close, I fixed my hair and checked my makeup quickly, hoping that I didn't look like a fool, and stepped out of my car.

In spite of her obvious exhaustion, once she arrived, Aurora stalked up to the door, without stopping to catch her breath, and flung it open, the heavy mahogany forcing a homely creak from the slightly rusted hinges.

Everyone piled into the small front hallway, a square, professional indention in the wall even being filled by Rebecca, who decided that crawling in would be comfortable and make more room. She had knocked over some dusty photographs but none of the frames had shattered so Aurora wasn't angry.

She turned to me and grinned. "Do you like it here? I mean, you haven't seen much but it gets better. When my parents divorced, my mom moved around for a while before settling here and then she remarried and got an Earth ship. I took the house, since it's already paid off."

I looked around a bit. It was a small space, but I was able to spot a green floral-themed kitchen with a carved and stained wood archway that lead into a lavender dining room, both areas nicely furnished and colour coded. "Yeah, it's pretty cool."


Aurora brought me upstairs to a white room that had a queen size bed in the corner, the metal bed frame glinting in the lamp's dim lighting. It had no covers, but Aurora disappeared and came back with a soft, dark purple quilt and laid it down. "You can stay here. Unless you'd rather fight with my friends for the couch downstairs?"

I shook my head and smiled. "I'm afraid I would rather not kill everyone for a piece of furniture."

Aurora chuckled. "Okay, just enjoy yourself. I'll definitely downstairs keeping them under control while I wait for you."

I went out into the car and grabbed my stuff, then brought it up to my room, pulled out my phone, and dialed my best friend, Elizabeth.

"Yello? Wassup?"

"Liza! Hey, how are you?"

"Decent. What about you, how's the road treating ya? Is Elenor still traveling with you?"

"I'm pretty good, I found a place in Wisconsin where one of the locals is really sweet and letting me stay in their guest bedroom tonight. I'm relieved I don't have to spend another night in my car, it'd probably majorly mess up my back. And no, I dropped Elenor in New Mexico with her brother." I adjusted on the bed, rolling into my stomach with a pillow under my elbows.

"Ooooh! Tell me more, tell me more, lovely.'

"Well, I'm not overly sure of how much more there is to say. A bunch of her friends and the local, her name is Aurora, by the way, are having a sleepover downstairs. I'm probably going to join in on whatever their doing once we end this call, if they'll let me."

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