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MJ's PoV~

I sighed and followed Rory to the room we were staying in after that guy helped clean and wrap my head. We had checked in and now we walked to our room and laid down our stuff. We sat there awkwardly for a little, she flipped through channels, I checked my phone, scrolling through Instagram.

After 10 minutes Rory asked, "Want to go outside and walk? I have $40 at random to spend that I haven't saved for anything I planned."

"You planned?"

She smiled. "You have never been to Wisconsin Dells. Of course I'd make plans to take you places you will never see in Texas."

"Okay." I replied, and she led me out the door.

We mainly walked to literally nowhere and as my legs got tired, Rory squealed in delight and rushed into a place.

"What?" I asked as she bought a magnet.

Her grin seems to come off her face she was smiling so hard. I have never seen Rory smile this much. I picked up the magnet from the hand she had extended towards me, and I laughed. It was a pride flag that had writing beneath reading "it's dark in the closet". It wasnt super funny but worth every second of that moment of laughter. She led me into a few more stores, each one containing different objects of amusement . At one point, Rory grabbed an umbrella.

"Why are you grabbing an umbrella?"

I laughed. "For the storm."

I looked up at the gray clouds once we got outside. I hadn't noticed. A few seconds later, it started raining.

Awkward silence.

We kind of looked opposite ways, insure what either should say.

Rory turned to me. "Look I want to say I'm sorry. For hurting you, and all the-"


"Huh?" She averted her eyes.

I panicked for a second. I interrupted her but really don't have a plan at all. I could maybe try and tell her it doesn't matter? No, that'd never make her feel better.

And all of a sudden my body moved on its own. My lips were on hers, my eyes closed as the rain fell gracefully and soundlessly to our overwhelmed minds.

Rory's PoV~

My eyes flew open as I felt MJ's lips on mine. Was she wearing lipstick? I was but it doubled as sunscreen and was cherry flavored. It was sort of weird. It probably didn't taste good enough to kiss. What? No, Rory, that's weird. Just don't think.

My eyes closed and I kissed back. Oh my god, it felt amazing. I could have stood there forever, just with MJ. I will start singing. I don't know if that's weird, it probably is, but whenever I'm happy or really depressed, I will sing to make myself feel better or calm down. I think I told her this? I don't know. I'll just sing in my head for now.

So I mentally turned on Human by Dodie. It was a friendship song, but it was perfect.

"Hey, um," there was a small cough, "I need to get through..." the voice trailed off.

We looked over at a anxious teenager. I realized we were in the middle of the pass and the rain had stopped. I laughed nervously.

"O-oh, yeah. Sure."

MJ smiled awkwardly and we moved over. Once he passed, I whispered, "He looks like Evan Hansen!"

MJ's eyes widened "You're right!"

"Not Ben th-"

"Nah, coincidence. " then my phone vibrated. I pulled it out.

"Oh, my mom said she wants to visit."


"Two days from now."

"Why don't we finish up in the dells and meet her when she visits?"

"Sure." I shrugged. I texted her back and reached for MJ's hand. She looked at me nervously.

"What if we get harassed?"

I smiled. "Wisconsin is very accepting. Nowhere is completely supportive, but you will not be physically hurt. They can't and won't do that. We're safe." (One of the auto-correct options was "we're gay" omg).

"Tomorrow I'm taking you to Noah's ark."

She looked over at me, mixed emotions swirling in her eyes before her inner turmoil seemed to come to a halt and a bright smile covered her face, tiny dimples sitting on her cheeks, close to her mouth.
"Sounds perfect!"

oops that sucked love ya hon

Take it back, it was great. I barely edited anything! And I love you too, make sure to drink plenty of water, you keep telling me how hot it is in Wisconsin right now and I'm getting worried, uwu

Um the weather dropped from 90° to 40° in a span of two days like I said there is like no fall XD ...not that bad tho if u ever come here it's pretty. Have you ever played in snow?

Yeah, I visited Minnesota a few years back when I was nine. Plus, it snows in Texas just not much. I wish it would more, I love it!

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