Le Baisers Perdus

17 3 0

A/N: bold is Aurora's notes, Italic bold is MJ's.
Aurora's PoV~
What time was it?
I checked my phone, cringing temporarily at the blinding light.
Damnit, insomnia.
I got off my phone and pulled at the black hairties on my arm, remembering the bunches winding themselves around MJ's pale, freckled arm.

I don't even put my hair up...

Goddammit Aurora, you spend one night with a pretty (Omg I just realized you called me pretty and now I'm blushing. Whyyyyyy) stranger and you pick up their habits? Get ahold of yourself.

I stumbled down the ancient stairs to see Rebecca, wide awake and reading my thick book about Hamilton.

"Hey Rory."

"Hey Rebecca."

I walked past them through the archway into the dining room, then the kitchen, then I pulled open a turquoise painted cabinet and took some cereal. As Rebecca followed, I handed it to her and she started to make her breakfast.

"Why don't you ever eat breakfast anymore? Same with lunch. You only eat during dinner. What's with that?" She asked me and I just shrugged. Whether I didn't know or I just didn't want to tell her, well, I didn't even know.

"I'm just not hungry, I guess."

Frustrated, she rolled her eyes and continued to pour her cereal.

"So Mel's party is coming up."

"Really? He has a summer birthday?"

"Yeah. She-"


"Yeah, he has been hoping to get you and Sida to one of his parties. I guess he likes the idea of you all being gay together."

"Well, I'm excited." I said, and turned to the archway back to our now groggy, but conscious friends.

"I'm going to go wake up MJ."

I tiredly trudged up the creaky stairs, my heavy feet making the creaking louder than normal. I got up there to see MJ still asleep, resting peacefully with her hair sprawled around her head in a lime halo. She looked adorable.

Confusion clouded her sweet face as she woke, immediately covering her arms with her hands after I yanked the blankets off. A yawn spilt from her chapped lips as she sat up, her back cracking audibly as she sat up.

I laughed, "Wake up, sleepyhead." (OMG THAT ONE VINE)

She gave a sleepy grin and slung her legs over the side of the messy bed. I plopped down next to her and asked, "So where are you going in Wisconsin dells?"

"Um... I plan to go to a hotel."

"And are you going to go anywhere else at all? Kalahari Resort? One of the casinos? Noah's ark water park?"

"Well, definitely not any casinos, but I have no clue about the rest."

"You don't know... Please tell me you at least know Noah's Ark. It's the biggest water park in the world. No joke."

MJ's eyes widened as she pushed her head to the left by her jaw, a symphony of snaps. "Really?" And to the right, the same concerning noises filling the air.

I sighed, almost disbelieving at how little she knew, "You need a guide or you are going to get lost. No wonder you ended up in this town of all towns. I think we're the smallest place in Wisconsin besides Embarrass," she giggled, "it's a real place, and more popular than here."

"Hmm. Well, I don't really know anyone in Wisconsin, really. I'm not sure who I'd ask for such a favor as that, it would be quite unreasonable of me to request something of that magnitude of effort." She replied, seeming unsettled by the suggestion she would have to ask for help.

I looked her in the eyes.

"I could go with you."

"What? No! I couldn't ask- you barely know me!"

"I hate having my hair up and now I'm doing this" I held up my wrist, which had 4 hairbands on it already. "It won't kill me to hang out with you a few more days, and if I do things like this, maybe it's better. First things first, make sure you have your swimsuit I'm at least taking you swimming."

MJ laughed. "Okay." She smiled, but still seemed kind of guilty. "Its in my car in one of my bags. I'll grab it if we go."

We hung out with my friends and I for bit before they had to leave. Rebecca, Morgan and Lilly had work and Savannah had younger siblings. I was free today and tomorrow, obviously (I mean, what do you really do as an illustrator). MJ fortunately got to stay, so we spent the rest of the time packing, laughing, watching Sanders Sides, discussing Phan and listening to musicals.

Soon enough it was about 3:00 and I decided that it was about time to go. Wisconsin dells was about 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours from Hortonville, and we wanted to get there with plenty of time to get a hotel and settle in. After quickly packing myself up, MJ and I hopped into her car and started the tedious drive. I turned the dial on the grey dashboard and ended up on a station full of pop music
It was 101.1 WIXX.

"Oh yes!" I said happily as Fools by Lauren Aquilina came on. "I love love songs. The Leo on me I guess."

MJ smiled, a quiet laugh spilling from her lips, "Yeah, love songs are the greatest."

I giggled stupidly and started singing to the lyrics for a few seconds before bowing at MJ.

"Care to dance?"

She giggled and took the hand I had extended as I unbuckled myself.

"I would, but you're driving, goofball."

I pulled over and stepped out of the car. "Not anymore."

MJ rolled her eyes and sighed, "Then it would be my honor." And with a laugh, she jumped out of the car and grabbed the hand I had, again, reached out to her with after coming to the sidewalk. I had left the door open so we could still hear the music.

Friends, I watched us as we changed.
The feelings in my headspace rearranged
I want you more than I've wanted anyone.
Isn't that dangerous?

I sighed and closed my eyes. These words were so true...

So it all boils down to this
The moment right before the kiss
Oh God, I feel so unprepared.
The two of us so out of place,
My feelings written on my face,

Without thinking I leaned forward and kissed MJ. She gasped in surprise and backed away.


Got what I want but now I'm scared...

Well shit I guess.

Le gasp! I didn't expect that. Plot twist to a book I'm literally writing with you. XD


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