Wisconsin Dells

16 3 14

Aurora's PoV~

"Uh- I- Um." MJ stuttered, her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth. She looked incredibly shocked, almost disbelieving. She was still standing close to me, not backing away more than the original step she took.

Well shit. Of course. I would be the one to fuck things up. Stupid me. There's a difference between confessing and being selfish. She doesn't like me! Selfish move.

I got in the car and turned it on. She delicately climbed in the passenger seat, far more calmed then she was a moment ago, somehow. The radio was now playing Starring Role. It's funny how at first I was ecstatic about the fact that it was playing love songs, now it just seems like a cruel curse.

I switched it and it played I hate u I love u. I turned it off. Dumb radio.

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. That was selfish, and I should have asked before, and I'm a bad friend for making it all about me, and I can just drop you off at the hotel and-"

"Ror..." She addressed me.

"And I fucked up, and you can hate me, and I'm sorry and can we pretend it never-"


I stopped rambling and realized I was crying. I hate getting upset, my emotions are uncontrollable and intense.

"Chill, it's fine. I'm not bothered by it. I've just uh," She mumbled something inaudibly after that.


Biting her lip, she fidgeted a moment before looking directly into my brown, tear dripping eyes, "I um, that was, uh, my, my first kiss and I guess- I guess I just kind of wasn't expecting, uh, expecting it." Embarrassed, she stared down at her lap the moment she finished speaking, nibbling aggressively on her flushed pink lips again.

I smiled coyly this time. "Did you want it or not?"

"Uh, m-maybe but uh, but I" MJ paused, "Nope. Cant handle interaction about this right now. No processing of the recent events has occurred.  Leave a message after the beep. Beep!" She ranted frantically, pretty much just blurting her musings as she thought them.

I so hard I nearly swerved off the curvy, thin road, my eyes glancing toward her. "You're funny."

"No I'm not. "

I saw the town get even more crowded and full of  places. "We're here."

"Hey, there's Noah's Ark! But it only says America's largest waterpark not the world." I pointed out as we passed it. We decided to go to the hotel we had previously booked a room in before the waterpark to drop off our stuff.

I frowned. "Looks like it got demoted."

MJ snorted and I grinned, . I liked making her laugh. She likes to argue that her laugh sounds like a moose in labor,  but I'm  not entirely convinced. In fact, she hasn't persuaded me much at all.

We drove on for a while, and I could hear her gasps of admiration at the elegant, simple scenery. She was so UwU.

"You're uwu." I stated, not taking my eyes off of the winding streets.

She looked at me. "No I'm not."


"Well then you're smol."

I took a violent turn in her black, brooding truck and she was flung onto the door with a thud.

"Nope! Not smol!" I shouted decisively, because I'm not, but worriedly glanced over to check that she was okay.

Groaning, she rubbed her head where it had aggressively smashed into the window, (thankfully not shattering the glass) and I checked that I was completely safe before pulling over to the shoulder. After setting the truck into park, I unbuckled myself and turned over toward her, scooting into the middle seat toward where she was placed on the left. I got up onto my knees and lowered her hands from her head, then examined the area where she was indicating pain.

"R-rora? What're, uh, what're you up to?"

"Shhhh." I hushed her, "Is this where you were hit?" I set my hand on her hair over the area of assumed impact. I felt a bit of wetness, but ignored it, assuming that it was from the shower she had taken earlier. Immediately, she hissed.

"Yes, yes that's it!" She winced out, obviously using all her self control not to yank her head away from me. I retracted my hands and looked at her, before noticing the blood on my hands. Urgently, I unfastened her seatbelt and pulled her head downward so I could fully observe her scalp. A hot breath of air escaped my lips in shock.

Blood. She had a horrible gnash. The hair aground it was littered with dripping, vibrant red, contrasting greatly with the lime green she had her usually brown locks dyed. My eyes flitted down to her hands and my eyes widened, witnessing he abundance of thick red liquid on them, too.

"Aurora, you're scaring me. What is it?" MJ questioned, her tone a mixture of confusion, curiosity, and pain.

"Don't panic, M." I replied fleetingly.

"I won't, I won't. Just tell me what's wrong." She brushed it off casually, but she didn't know how serious her injury was. She removed my tight grip from her skull  to sit up and look me in the eyes. I was poised above her, still resting on my knees, so she was peering up at me, eyes wide with innocence and unknowing. The tension was thick, begging me to break it before it broke itself.

"MJ, you have a huge cut on your head." My voice shook slightly.

"Oh, is that all? Well that explains why it hurts like hell!" She laughed a bit, but flinched at the sudden movement she inflicted upon herself.

"I'm getting you to the hotel where we can get you some help." I swiftly righted myself, returning to the wheel and clasping it firmly before getting back onto the road.

I ensured both our protection by paying extra, ultra-focused attention on what I was doing. Soon enough we arrived at the hotel. I hopped out of the car and rushed to her side to open the door and help her out.

"Rory, my head is damaged, not my legs."

"I'm still helping you!" I asserted resolutely.

With a roll of her eyes, MJ pursed her lips, "Fine."

We strolled into the hotel and the lady at the front desk, who was wearing a bright, blinding shade of red on her thin lips, instantly ran into the back and returned with a first aid kit and another man with black, quaffed hair and a slightly grin.

"My! That's a nasty cut you got there. Let's get that fixed up for you. Ma'am," He finished speaking to MJ then turned to me, "if you would go with Madeline there," he gestured toward the woman, "she can get you all checked in whilst I get your friend right as rain again."

I glanced between the three figures, the decision of what to do swirling around in my brain like a tornado on steroids.

"By the way, Rora," MJ suddenly chimed in, "you're most definitely smol."

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