Thai nights

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(Listen to the song at the top while reading)

Sitting on the corner of Lisa's bed is Jisoo. Nervous out of her brains Jisoo gazes at Lisa in an almost wanting way. Lisa picks up on it and moves closer about to hold Jisoo when she falls off the bed as Jisoo stands up. The night so serene and the stars shine bright, Jisoo starts telling Lisa a story as she lays on her bed stroking Lisa's hair slowly.


Two stars shined so bright that they outweighed all the other sources, grabbing the attention of people and finally each other.

(Smiling sincerely as she strokes Lisa's hair and looks out the window)

The two stars found each other through billions of lightyears of burning, the stars met and burnt brighter.


(About to cry but acting happy)

What the stars...?


The stars started to move away from each other, hence, they lost their light. Instead of loving each other they were too scared to be together they disappeared into the universe...

(Her voice cracks as she endures Lisa's tears)


 How could they come back together?


They are only able to shine back again if they find each other, but it is hard for them to see each other in the darkness of the universe


But what about...the strength of their love


Their love was lost because of arrogance, and now they can't retrieve it back or burn as hard as they once did


Do you think they'll ever come back together...and burn bright again...


I can only assume that it'll be hard but true love always finds a way back...


(She feels happy again and relieved she sleeps on Jisoo)

Jisoo are

(Kissing Lisa's forehead)


(Barely asleep Lisa's heart beats so much she is unable to move)

Did I hear that right? Or am I going crazy? I think I am actually in love with her

(She thinks deeply)


(Moving out of the bed and changing into something comfortable)

Lisoo (The art of faking a relationship)Where stories live. Discover now