Crush Or Not?

170 9 2

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No, I'm fin.....e

(The flashlights cause Lisa to trip onto Jisoo, this causes them to kiss for about seconds in front of the Paparazzi)



(high off of Lisa's lips)

I mean I guess at least now they know we are a couple

(Says jokingly as she takes Lisa away from the flashing and judging people)

Paparazzi Chatter

Alright...that's why you guys always travel and hold hands

This will be the headline of the decade hahaha...Girl Group members in love and kiss in public!!!

Wonder what their management will think about this

You guys should be with men

(Despicable words by the Paparazzi)


Lisa and Jisoo are now in the car after the accidental kiss


Don't be shy. Believe me, Lisa, it's alright

(Says to Lisa holding her tightly)


I'm so soooorrryy I am a terrible person

(Cut off by Jisoo staring at her lips)


What did I say about apologizing to me for no reason

(The car dark and the surroundings almost movie like)


I can't help my embarrassment...Ji...

(Cut off by Jisoo's lips on hers)


(Lisa pulls Jisoo closer to deepen)

Jisoo looks at Lisa as they break the kiss. Lisa looks very satisfied and almost high from the kiss. Jisoo smiles at Lisa's face, after realizing the atmosphere in the car on this dreamy night, they look away as if shocked by their own actions. The drive got too tense the girls were too shy to look at each other.

Cabdriver is the location

(Surprised by what happened)

They are dropped off at a hotel in the city since the other members are still with their families and management wants to speak to them at this hotel the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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