Part 2

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That First Awkward Day
(On a Wednesday)

"So tell me about yourself Parker." Mila asked.

"Well I'm 16. I'm originally from LA but I moved here for my moms work. I have a younger brother who's 6. His name is Quinn. I'm a bit of a geek actually. My taste is plain but inside I have a weird personality. I play piano in my free time and there isn't a time when I'm not listening to music, except when I'm talking to someone. Other than that I always have my earphones in. How about you?" I question.

"Well, like you, I'm 16. I have an older brother who's 20 and a younger sister who is 13. Like you said earlier, I'm not the most popular person either. I spend most my time playing with my dog at home when all my friends are out at party's or something. Party's aren't really my thing. I prefer a relaxing environment."

"Nice. Well I'm the same, unless you class playing piano and listening to loud, blasting music not relaxing, then no. How about boys ? Every girl talk is always about boys is it not?"

"I'm unlucky in that department."

"Your beautiful outside and, from what you have told me, inside too. How can nobody like you?" I say. I feel really comfortable around her. It's like I have know her for month when it's actually been minutes.

"Phfff. Please. Have you seen yourself. All the boys will give you their attention. You will be able to pick." She says laughing.

"I doubt that." I say laughing too.

We head into our first class. I think I can remember my way although I think I will be spending everyday with Mila anyway. Me and Mila walked into class. Mila took her seat but I walked over to the teacher.

"Uh. You must be miss Evans right?"

"Correct." I answer.

"Would you like to tell the class about yourself then, seeing as your new. Ah. Can I have your slip so I can sign it for you."

"Oh Yeah." I say digging into my bag to find that slip. I handed it to the teacher and began to talk.

"Well. Uh..... Hi. I'm Parker. I'm originally from LA and I've just moved here. Like most of you I guess, I'm 16." I say looking over at the teacher as he gives my slip back.

"Well everybody make Miss Evans here feel welcome. You can take that spear seat at the back there." He says pointing at the back of the class.

Of course, it had to be next to a boy. Just me and this boy on one row.

I make my way over to this seat and I see this boy's 'mate' turn around and whisper something.

"Harrison. Please don't talk whilst I'm talking." Sir says.

"Sorry sir." Harrison replies smirking.

"As I was saying ......" The teacher carried on.

"So. Your the new girl everyone has been waiting for. And if you ask me it's been worth the wait." He says as he rest his chin on his hand, leaning on the table. "I'm Shawn by the way."

Great. He is a flirt.

"Parker." I say just to be polite.

I sit down and grab my book from my bag, slightly ignoring Shawn.

The lesson goes by. Every now and then I see Shawn looking at me. To be honest, it makes me blush. I must admit he is hot. I look over at Mila sometimes to give her the 'help me' look but she just finds it funny. The lesson ends and, as always, I'm the last one to leave. Me and Mila walk out of the class.

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