Chapter One (Pete's P.O.V.)

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Pete's P.O.V.


I knew high school was meant to be fun. I remember that my friends and family didn't think I would become successful over trying to save something that I love, something he loves. They always thought I would be the normal emo who ended up dead in the long-run of high school. But trying to save something I deeply cared about, led to this. The lights, the noise. I guess that those people actually did us a favor. Well time to go to a show. Maybe we can tell our fans how me and Patrick truly are.

-Present Time-

"FUCKIN SHIT! THIS CRAP ISN'T WORTH MY FUCKIN TIME!" I yelled and threw my homework on the desk.

"Pete calm down" Joe begged me. I just glared at him slightly.

"Why the fuck should I calm down. This shit isn't even worth my time" I growled.

Joe laughed slightly and stood up.

"Pete, you always think school related shit isn't worth your time" he told me. I smiled.

"Of course, school sucks ass. I'd rather have pizza and play my bass" I started to laugh at my own words.

"We all know that Pete. But you need to do your homework so you're dad doesn't get pissed at you" Joe ordered.

I groaned. "He never gets pissed off at Hillary or Andrew" I stated, mentioning my younger siblings.

"Maybe it's because you're older. And part black" Joe then laughed a little. I glared at him and sat back down at my desk.

"I want pizza" I stated and got up again.

"Then order some" Joe said, absentminded. He was caught up in an article about weed being legalized. I laughed slightly and whipped out my phone to call for pizza.

"Hello! What would you like to order!" a cheery females voice broke the buzzing on the phone.

"I'll take an extra large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese" I spoke in a snarky and slightly sarcastic voice. "And it better be here soon, my sister got pregnant and her whining is super annoying" I added the lie.

"Ok, I'll get that ready for you. Bye!" the girl hung up quickly. I threw my phone back on my bed and laughed.

"That girl fell for it! My sister isn't even in Illinois at the moment!" I kept laughing. My sister was on a school trip to California.

"Dude, you're in deep shit" Joe started to laugh a little with me.

"I don't give a fuck. It's the cocaine talking" I joked. The last time I had that shit was about two months ago at a wild party Joe invited me too.

Joe just shrugged and thrusted my homework towards me, causing my mood to take a downfall.

"Fuuuuuuckkkkk" I groaned. Homework was evil.

"Do it now" Joe kept telling me. WHY MUST BEING A JUNIOR CAUSE THIS SHIT!!!!!

"Don't make me do it Joe!" I begged him, pulling out a bag of 'weed'. It was really some shredded dried leaves from the oak in my backyard.

"Fine, I'll do it for you" Joe muttered and pulled his hand back with the paper with him. "But you better do it tomorrow" he added.

I nodded and jumped on my bed. My phone was inviting me to it, tempting me to check Tumblr. (A/N: I went there bitches)

The app invited me into pictures of Gerard Way and Frank Iero. The people I follow always post MCR stuff.

"Pete if you're on Tumblr I'll kill you" Joe looked at me from the work he was doing.

"I'm not on Tumblr. I'm texting my girlfriend" I pointed out and went straight to Carmen's contact info. Carmen and I pretend to be dating. It's only fair that I hide the fact that she's a lesbian and she hides the fact that I'm a flaming homo.

"Oh, ok" Joe shrugged. He didn't know what was up. He was normally too high to remember what the things are that Carmen and I talk about.

I nodded and looked back at the messages. "She just sent me a picture of a really hot gu-" I cut myself off. "A really hot genie from a show she watches. It's an anime thing for her" I corrected my mistake. The picture was actually her really hot cousin who goes to our high school. He had these outstanding blue eyes with dark blonde hair and pale skin. Damn.

"Alright" Joe shrugged, clearly missing the mistake.


Carmen: Check out my cousin, what do ya think?

Me: Damn, is he in our grade?

Carmen: Pfft. Of course. We're like twins. He knows my secret.

Me: Bout you being a hardcore lesbian!

Carmen: No.......he only knows I'm a lesbian. Not that hardcore of one. Men are not attractive EVER!!!

Me: Not even me! *sad face* 😭😞😔😢😥

Carmen: You're not attractive sexually or romantically in my eyes. But you're pretty good-looking for a person with a dick.

Me: Why thank you. And who's your cousin? 😏

Carmen: Not telling you. Or else you'll find him and try to take his innocence.

Me: Awwwww

Carmen: Girls/Girls/Boys is playing on the radio. BAI!!!!

Me: Ok.......

I laughed slightly. Carmen was obsessed with that song by Panic! At The Disco. I loved it to because damn that sexy ass motherfucker known as Brendon Urie.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up, grabbing the $20 on my dresser and ran downstairs. I pulled the door open and scowled slightly.

"Oh, Tanner" I muttered. "Thanks for bringing pizza. Here's the money, bye" I pulled the pizza out of the other male's hands and gave him the money. Tanner was a very past ex. Back in sixth grade. Since then he's been an utter jerk and a homophobic bastard.

"Your welcome faggot" Tanner scowled and left.

I sighed in relief as I set the pizza down and opened the box. Joe came down as I did so.

"Pizza is your god Pete" Joe laughed slightly. I only shrugged as I pulled a slice from the box and took a bite of the cheesy and greasy goodness.

"You ok?" Joe asked. I nodded while chewing.

"Ya, just the pizza is life" I lied after swallowing.

{How was chapter 1? Please leave some feedback!}

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