Chapter Five (Pete's P.O.V.)

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Chapter Five
Pete's P.O.V.

The bell rang for school to start. Patrick, Carmen, and now Winry decided to hang out in the mornings before school. Quite fun if you ask me. Since Patrick was there. *insert molester moon and rapist sun*

"Ugh. I don't wanna go to class" I groaned and leaned back against the wall. We all grouped together at a table every morning now, it was our official spot.

"We have to. There's some dumbass assembly" Carmen patted my shoulder from where she was eating a bunch of chips and drinking Coke, like she was normally doing at her place.

"What's so important that everybody has to attend though" Joe asked. He had started to come to the table also, since we were that loud he couldn't help but join.

"I guess some cheerleader has shit to say" Winry looked up from her homework she was doing.

"Well it must be important" I muttered and picked up my backpack. Patrick was silently waiting for us. He was such a noble and adorable kid.....

"Winry put your shit away and hurry your ass up!" Carmen yelled excitedly. Nobody knows why. Nobody ever knows why she's so happy.

"I'm hurrying!" Winry laughed and put her stuff away. Patrick smiled slightly at the two girls who weren't actually fighting.

"If I'm late to class, I'm blaming it all on you assholes" Joe muttered. Carmen flipped him off, showing how much she cared.

"Carmen, that's not polite!" Patrick yelled and hid behind me. I giggled softly. He had soft hands, from where he was touching my back. Really soft hands. Hands I wanted to hold. Why am I thinking this?

I shook the thoughts away and looked at my phone. I honestly didn't care if I was late. I am a total badass.

"Lets go!" Winry hefted her bag on her shoulder and we left the table for class.


(Yes, it's short. I am very sorry for this. I'm really tired and I finally remembered to update. I'm also writing a shit ton of other fanfic that won't get posted for a while. Like a Supernatural and Fall Out Boy crossover AU that includes Destiel, Peterick, and Sabriel. Side ships are included, like Trohley. And also, I'm working on a Peterick that I want to write all chapters before posting, then post every chapter on a specific time. This one is where Patrick is in a rich family and Pete is a criminal. The story will have many feels. Just so you know. I have side projects too. I'm writing way to much shit. Along with The Mighty Fall. That story, I am writing in my notebook and I'm gonna give the pages to my friend when I'm done writing all chapters so she can type it and edit it. I'm writing Pg. 3 in Chapter 8 now. It's gonna be complicated. I also will be going back to Florida for Fall Break. I really am excited because I'm going to see Big Here 6 with my best friend, but I might see my dad which will put me in a really depressed crappy mood. But I better sleep now. Enjoy this short chapter!)

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