Chapter Two (Patrick's P.O.V.)

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[Carmen is the girl in the picture]

Patrick's P.O.V.

I pushed my hair from my face and looked up into the blue eyes of my cousin.

"What was that snapping sound" I asked. Carmen shrugged.

"Nothing, I didn't take a picture of you, and I didn't send it to my slightly-attractive gay 'boyfriend' who isn't even my actual boyfriend" Carmen giggled and when back to her phone. She was on it almost all the time.

"Ok, well I'm doing homework. Go watch Supernatural or something" I muttered, slightly annoyed at her always being in my room.

"Fine, wait!" Carmen paused then started to sing a Panic! At The Disco song.

"Ugh! Let me do my Physics homework in peace please!" I yelled at her. Carmen scowled and kept singing Girls/Girls/Boys.

I waited for her to leave so I could go back to my homework. Carmen always stuck around my place so she wouldn't have to deal with my aunt on my dad's side of the family, or any of them to tell the truth. They were homophobic so she hid the truth about her sexuality, making it hard to speak to them. Carmen was also helping her friend hide his own sexuality from his homophobic father. The rest of his family was apparently ok. And since I live with my mother, it's easier for Carmen to be open around us, as long as Megan and Kevin don't blab about it to 'David'. But they are pretty cool people so they wouldn't.

I kept doing my homework till Carmen came back in, probably after annoying Kevin, considering the door of his room being slammed shut and a loud violin riff was heard.

"Patrick, Kevin kicked me out of his room!" Carmen complained. I rolled my eyes slightly.

"Then why did you annoy him?" I asked her with my full attention.

"Because I was bored" Carmen giggled slightly, causing me to laugh.

"Of course that's the reason!" I started to laugh with her. Carmen has ADHD so she'll easily get bored. Unless she's really into something, like music, anime, Torchwood, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. I forgot to add girls.

Carmen shrugged and turned on the tv in my room.

"Patty-cakes can I spend the night? I don't wanna be around Dad" Carmen laid on my bed, her head hanging off the edge. Her hair fell off her forehead, a sight that's rare to see.

"Sure, you know you can stay over whenever" I smiled slightly for her.

"Thanks Patrick" Carmen got up and sighed. "I just don't think a man who worships some fake person is the best thing for me" she whispered. I nodded in understanding.

"Carmen do you wanna stay over here for a week at least?" I asked. She nodded then smiled.

"I might just move in with you, so I can stalk Miss Jackson" she winked. The 'Miss Jackson' she referred to was my neighbor, Winry Jackson. Winry was a punk styled girl who went to our school, but she was more of a lone wolf.

"I can accept that" I smiled and closed the notebook I was writing notes in. Carmen smiled and turned on my Xbox and two controllers. She tossed me Player 2 and put in 'Call Of Duty: Ghosts'.

"Good. Now lets play video games" Carmen jumped on my bed as the game loaded. I smiled towards her and sat next to her. My fedora was slipping so she fixed it.

"Lets get this game on" I smirked. Carmen giggled and went straight to two player and chose her avatar, a Sniper female. I chose some random male then waited for Carmen to start the game. I am a noble teenager, since Carmen was texting a random person, probably her friend she tells me about, back.

"Patrick wanna meet Pete tomorrow?" Carmen suddenly asked as she started the game.

"Sure, I guess" I shrugged as I started to run towards the alien thingies. The sound of guns being shot surround the sound system.

"Great, then maybe I can set you two up" Carmen grinned.

My eyes widened. "I'm not gay! Don't assume things like that!" I shouted. I never really thought about my sexuality, so why would she assume that......

"Don't lie" Carmen went serious.

"I don't know! I never thought about this stuff" I whispered. Maybe guys were attractive, but that didn't mean I was gay right?

"Think about it buddy. I'm pretty sure you are" Carmen winked and smirked. My face turned red at my cousin's words.

"Who knows.....but I'll think about it" I muttered as we kept playing.

"Good. And there's an alien behind you" Carmen told me as she shot the alien in the game.

"Thanks" I muttered and focused on the game, at least tried too. Was I gay? I'll find out soon. I know I will. But it still lingered in my mind..........

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