iii. The Almost People

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Song: THE PHOENIX; fall out boy

     HARRIET had called a Keeper's Meeting in the Assembly Hall, and all of the others senior girls had already taken their seats. Of course, being a Mapper, I was still in the Maze, but one of the newer girls, a sweet thing named Marie, had informed me the moment I passed through the Doors, with a sweet smile gracing her lips.

Due to the fact that I wasn't often in the Glen, I tried to avoid playing favourites, especially with non-Mappers, but Marie always radiated kindness and had never caused any trouble for myself or the other two Leaders - Sonya and Harriet.

Running into the Assembly Hall, I quickly raised my hand in apology to Harriet, before taking my seat between Sonya and the other empty chair that belonged to Harriet.

"Good, Orla's back, so we can start." our Leader began, moving to sit beside me, our three chairs facing the Keepers that weren't Leaders.

Harriet continued, "As you all know, the Cage brought up a boy-stick, and an unconscious one at that. Sonya has suggested that when he wakes up, we build him a separate accommodation from our quarters."

At that moment, the Keeper of the Builders, Magda, stood from her seat and began to argue, "We don't have nearly enough resources to build a separate room, let alone a bird house at the moment! And seeing as the Cage isn't going down anytime soon, the boy-stick will have to sleep with us."

Another Keeper, Hillary, also rose to her feet, "That boy-stick has brought us nothing but trouble, and you seriously want us to praise him with a special room. Get stuffed, Harriet!"

Sonya and I exchanged worried glances, knowing that nothing good would come from this Meeting. Clearly, Harriet saw the worry on our faces, because her voice boomed over the arguing Keepers.

"HUSH IT!" silence fell over the Assembly Hall, Sonya let out a relieved breath.

With a sudden urge to come to the aid of the male Newbie, I slowly brought myself to a standing position, my voice barely above a whisper when I spoke.

"Harry, if I may?" a simple nod from the Leader made me continue to talk, but with a louder volume than previously, "Imagine of it were you in his position. Soon, he's going to wake up as the only boy in the Glen full of girls, most of them," I shot an irritated look at both Hillary and Magda, "aren't exactly going to have honourable intentions. I say we look after the boy-stick, he can sleep in the Mapper's Hut so he can have some privacy. Now, Harry, can we worry about more important matters now - like the note and the fact that the Cage hasn't gone back down yet, instead of squabbling over the boy-stick?"

Harriet nodded, a smirk spreading over her lips as I fell back down onto my chair, rather unceremoniously.

With a shake of my head, the Scorch swam back into my vision, sand flying into the hair each time one of my booted feet collided with the ground.

After memorizing the entirety of the Maze, I never felt the need to stay current when on runs, often finding myself reliving some of the better moments in the Glen.

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