iv. Crank Tunnel

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Song: ALL THE KING'S MEN; the rigs

     MEMORIES gently cleaved through my mind, ebbing away into nothingness as I awoke, my head lolling off Newt's shoulder.

Frypan was the only other person awake, and, seeing as he was at the wheel of the jeep, I was thankful for that fact. Thomas's head was leant against his seat in front of me, mouth wide open as if in a silent scream.

I could see the exhaustion written on his face. And on Newt's and Frypan's too. The blonde boy was leant against the window, his arm looking as if he had been holding me as we slept. I allowed a gentle smile to creep onto my face at that thought.

"Nice sleep?" Frypan joked quietly, careful not to disturb the two sleeping boys. Smiling, I nodded, running my hands through the lengths of my hair in an attempt to tame the frizz that was inevitably coming.

Ever since Esther had injected me with the serum, to try and get the name of the Cure out of me, gentle flickers from my past had been returning. Small at first, almost unnoticeable, until I had realised that they weren't just dreams, but my past. My terrible, haunted past.

"Orla?" Frypan questioned, pulling me from my thoughts, "You still with me?"

With a small hum, I assured him I was, the Cook continued, "You know, I've never seen Newt as happy as he is when he's with you."

I smiled, in truth I was the same. Sonya, Rachel and Harriet had done so much to help me in the Maze, but the loss of each girl was like a blow directly to the heart.

I glanced down to my left arm, where I had sliced a cut after each death, my way of remembering was permanently etching them into my skin, like a tally.

I had never told anyone, but Sonya, Harriet and Rachel just seemed to know.


Frypan gently rolled the Jeep to a stop, the four of us climbing out to inspect the tunnel ahead.

"You want us to go in there?" Newt pointed towards the entrance, his hand resting on his holstered pistol, "I don't wanna come across as too negative, but if I was a crank that's exactly where I would be."

Tommy gazed up from his map, violent wails echoing out from the tunnel, "I don't think we have much of a choice."

Again, more wails glided out from in front of us. I bit my lip nervously, nursing the area on my arm where I had recently carved two tallies: one for Winston, one for Jack.

"All right," Newt concluded, "I get shotgun."

Smiling slightly at his childish antics, I noticed him staring at my arm where my hand was resting.

"Are you OK?" he questioned quietly, walking over to me, "Did you hurt yourself."

I looked up at him as his hand rested on my cheek, "It's fine, I'm fine. Just a war wound from the Maze that flared up again."

He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead as he led me back to the jeep, "If you need to take a few minutes, go for it."

A stern look fell over my features, "Those few minutes could be the difference between finding Min and Rach alive or dead. I'm not risking it."


Jostling from side to side, Fry drove the jeep into the tunnel, flicking on the headlights when the sun began to fade behind the concrete ceiling.

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