A Broadcast of Errors

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I woke up after a horrible night of cursed dreams, but somehow I was ready to start the day. I got out of bed, into the shower, did my hair, got into a shirt with my favorite band on it which I tucked into some cute mom jeans that hugged my body just right. Lastly, I threw on a plain f/c hoodie and my black vans/converse. I drove to the TV 30 studio and was ready for a good day.

As I was walking towards the building, Dave ran to where I was. "Hey, y/n," he said kinda out of breath.

"Hi Dave," I replied.

"How was your night last night?" He asked.

"Um, good I guess. How about you?"

"Good," he answered quickly. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

What a weird question. "Uh... no..." I answered kind of slowly since I was confused as to why it would concern him. Then it hit me.

Thankfully, our conversation was cut off by us entering the doors, only to have Jimmy 'greet' us by saying, "Good morning y/n. And who are you?" He said pointing to Dave.

"Man, are you fucking serious?" Dave asked angrily.

"Whatever," Jimmy said sassily. "You both sure picked a great day to be late." He stood up and grabbed both of our wrists and started walking. "Were about to go live." Jimmy led us down the hall while asking, "Do you guys have any questions?"

"Yeah, I thought today we were supposed to be training," Dave answered.

"I thought I'd have a future by now but we all end up here," Jimmy replied almost snappy. "Leave your dreams at the door. Manjusha!" He called out as we turned the corner to face Manjusha. "This is y/n and Cedric. Take him to makeup and her to Arlo." He then left.

Manjusha took our wrists like Jimmy did.

"Actually my name's Dave and I-"

"We're so blessed," she started while dragging us somewhere, "never thought anyone would come after what happened to the last one."

"Wait what?" I asked confused and almost scared to see what I had gotten myself into.

"Ever watch Magic Funhouse?" Manjusha asked.

"Oh yeah!" Dave and I said in unison, then laughed at our jinx.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as the door broke off of the dressing room.

"Was it supposed to do that?" Dave asked, concerned.

"Makeup will be with you in just a second," Manjusha told Dave. "Come on, y/n," she said as she motioned for me to follow her to the back to get a tray of coffees for Arlo.

We made our way over and Arlo was in his costume. He looked kinda cool actually.

I heard Jimmy yell, "We go live in 60 seconds!"

Arlo checked out the coffees and I looked over my shoulder to where there was some commotion, only to my surprise I saw Dave with a box of fucking dildos. I couldn't help but laugh until my thoughts were interrupted by Arlo yelling to Manjusha, "No- I said no dairy!" as he hit the bottom of the tray, making the coffees fly everywhere. Jesus, he really was a little kid.
"Are you trying to make me blow these kids across the parking lot?!" he said. "You! Why aren't you cleaning this up?" he yelled as he pointed at me.

"Uh, I'm supposed to be on camera supervision," I answered timidly. "Do you know what I even have to do?"

"How would I fucking know? Just watch over the damn cameras and look pretty," he said as he took a hit from his cigarette.

M A G I C   F U N H O U S E           (Arlo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now