The Long Nap

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Today was Saturday, broadcast day. We were doing a special show for orphans that they apparently did every year. I arrived to work in jean shorts and a black hoodie.

"Hey Jimmy," I greeted.

"Oh hey, y/n."

I walked into Arlo's dressing room to give him his usual 'Saturday bagels'. Surprisingly, he wasn't there.

He's always here, I thought. I placed the food on the table as usual and just sat there, waiting for him. I was actually kind of worried.

I heard the front doors fly open and hit the walls.

"Arlo?" I heard Jimmy say.

I got up and went to find Arlo, to you know, 'ask him why he was late'. To be honest, it's just an excuse to see him again.

Our relationship has been weird. He's actually friendly to me, but in an Arlo way. He doesn't necessarily talk to me, so I normally have to start up conversations. Mainly, just about professional small talk. Dave has acted like nothing ever happened, but I won't talk to him for shit. Fuck him for trying to force me into something.

"I just want a NORMAL COFFEE MAKER!" Arlo screamed from the break room. "WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE FANCY?!"

I walked into the break room to see coffee everywhere. I giggled just a bit before I asked, "Everything ok, Arlo?" As I leaned in the door frame.

"Not now, y/n."

"Why were you late?"

"I said not now, y/n!"

"Jesus what's up your ass?" I asked as Arlo let out a scoff/sigh and walked out.

"No, not now!" he yelled at Manjusha as he smacked a tray of coffees out of her hands, which went everywhere.

I followed Arlo.

"Blue or yellow?" Sacha's asked him.

"Whichever one hides your handles."

"Hey guys," Cliff said referring to Arlo and I, "you guys coming to the party tonight?"

"Uh-" I started.

"What party?" Arlo asked.

"Last looks, guys. We're live in-" Jimmy started.

"Two minutes; we know!" we all yelled.

Arlo went on his phone and didn't listen to what Cliff said, and frankly, neither did I.

As much as I hated the thought, I had a small crush on Arlo. Ever since we woke up together and he kissed me, I realized that I had feelings... for my boss.

I studied his features for the millionth time until he looked over to me. He probably saw me staring. Shit. I looked at my feet quickly, hoping that would erase any image of me staring in his direction that he had in his mind.

He turned to Cliff, saying, "Sounds great. Throw it in the episode, it's showtime everyone," as he slapped him on his chest and went into his dressing room.

Cliff then talked to Mr. Chronis. And I stood there. Arlo has left his door open and started freshening up his makeup. He powdered his cheeks and, yet again, I was staring. Just staring. Standing in the middle of the room like an idiot just staring into his open dressing room door. Sacha came out of her dressing room correcting her yellow dress, until she saw me.

"You like him?!" she asked me.

Just being knocked back into reality, I answered, "What? No way!" I giggled the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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