Chapter 2: Hold me tight

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Hiiiiiiii! This chapter will be long like usual. Enjoy my horrible writing =)


~Eijiro's POV~

I haven't been in Katsuki's arms in so long, it felt good to be back with him. It got colder outside but our house was warm and cozy. Unlike the cell I was in for weeks. 

"So do you want to do something?" Katsuki asked, looking down at the head on his chest.

"I don't know, all I know is that I want to be with you." I looked up at him and gave him a small but a  sweet smile. He then kissed me on the forehead and smiled back. Katsuki suggested we watch a movie, so I agreed. 

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't know." Kat is going to want to watch a scary movie. Great. //bboom bboom vibes...//

"Let's watch Pet Semetary." Oh god, I heard that was really scary. 

"O-Ok." I said shakily. Kat put the movie on. 

"Why do these people always decide to move to a fucking creepy forest?!" Kat yelled pointing at the TV.

"That's scary movies for ya." I swear to god, parts that aren't meant to be scary are horrifying to me.

"The kids in these movies are the problem, stay WITH YOUR PARENTS! What the hell is wrong with these children?!" We both started laughing. 

"I swear its always the kids that do something stupid, then everything comes falling down after." 

"Right?" We continued watching the movie. It progressively got more freaky. I hid my face from the screen every time I thought something frightening was going to happen. 


Out of nowhere, I heard Katsuki's rap song, which was my ringtone.

"Get your phone I don't want to hear that!" I grabbed my phone an answered it.

"Hello?" I didn't check who it was I just answered it.

"EIJIRO, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" It was my mom, well, one of them at least. I have two moms. 

"Yeah I'm fine." 

"WELL, YOU NEVER CALLED ME TO TELL ME YOU WERE HOME! I HAD TO FIND OUT THROUGH THE NEWS!" I pulled the phone a little away from my ear. Mom never yells this is new.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." 


 What the hell am I suppose to say other than 'I'm sorry!?' 

"HELLO EARTH TO EIJIRO?!?!" I then hung up.

"Did you hang up?" Katsuki said, laughing.

"Yeah." Oh boy, my mom is going to kill me.

"Your mom might be really mad."

"I know." Then I heard Katsuki's phone go off. Its probably his mom.

"What do you want you old hag?!" Once he said that, I knew it was Mitsuki.

"He's fine mom, no I'm not hurt, everything is fine." His mom must have called to ask about me, figured.

"Alright, bye." He put his phone down and sighed. 

"I love how we try to watch a movie and two worried moms call us almost at the same time." 

"Well at least your mom isn't angry at you."
"I doubt your mom is mad, its Toko. If it was Chihiro, you would dead meat."

//yes I'm using danganronpa names//

 Kat was right but at the same time I'm not to sure,she seemed really angry. We continued watching the movie. It was nice be cuddling with Suki but the movie was very unpleasant.

"That was actually pretty good." I'm glad he enjoyed it, cause I sure didn't.

"I'm am not watching another horror movie ever again!" 

"You say that every time." 

"I only watch them because you like them." At that Katsuki smiled.

"Oh that's sweet Eiji but you don't have to, they scare you not entertain you where's the fun in that." He was right but I love him to much, I'm going to continue to do this he enjoys it and that makes me happy! 

"Oh well." I flashed him a smile.

"Eijiro BAKUGO, OPEN THE DOOR!!" Oh god that's my mom. I knew she was mad. I got up to go answer it. Kat followed. I opened the door and there stood my moms and Mitsuki. What the actual hell.  

"Hi?" My mom hugged me. 

"You idiot I have been worried and you don't call me to say you're okay." She was tearing up.

//did u not pay attention during ela :'<//

"I'm really sorry mom."

"I know." She let go of me and Chihiro walked over to me.

//he calls Toko mom and Chihiro by her name//

Chihiro hugged me, it was a short one since she's not much of a hugger. 

"I'm glad you're safe." She said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Mom, why the hell are you here?" Katsuki asked.

"Because I can be, you brat." She said.

"You guys can come inside if you want." I said making a hand gesture inside. 

"I've got time." Mitsuki said, coming inside my parents followed.

"Yeah to much time." Kat mumbled. I giggled a that and nudged him with my elbow. My mom's say on the couch, I sat on Katsuki's lap on one of the big chairs we have while Mitsuki sat on the other one. Mom started a small conversation it didn't last long though.

"Does any one want something to drink?" I asked.

"Coffee for me, please." Mitsuki said.

"We both would like tea." Chihiro said.

"Okay, Kat you want anything?" 

"No thanks I'm alright babe."  

"Kk." I said, walking off.

~Katsuki POV //I know I used Bakugo POV last time, my bad//~ 

I love when Eiji says Kk, he sounds so gay. 

Eiji was back after a couple minutes and started giving everyone their drinks. 

"So are you two thinking of having a kid cause I want grandbabies?" My mom asked. Me and Eijiro had talked about it before but not really deciding on weather we were.

"I mean kind of I'm not to sure yet."

"Adopting a kind is so complicated though." I said putting my head on Eiji's shoulder.

"Not really." Toko said well you would know."Just a couple papers to sign get the kid and their stuff and go." Well I guess it isn't that complicated after all.

"Well I guess we're getting a kid." I said, giving Eiji a smirk.

" WHAT?!" He yelled 

"YES!" My mom yelled. 

Hope you like the chapter =) I never know what to say at the end but that so bye.


I said thx to you like four times when I texted you so shut your up =)

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