Fight On

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"Of course not." Gerard called announcing his presence to the room as he walked in with a limp. "Something that dangerous, and out of control, is better of dead."

Derek quickly went to make his move on Jackson and rose his claws to slash his throat, only for Jacksom to raise his own claws. In an instant Jackson's claws were buried into Derek's chest. Jace and Izzy got their swords ready and facing the Kanima, Argent and I rounded with our guns.

Jackson began to stand with his claws still inside Derek, as he lifted him from the floor with ease. One Jackson was fully standing he tossed Derek like a rag doll through the plastic drapes of the warn down building.

Everyone was moving their attentions between Gerard and the Kanima.

"Well done to the last, Scott." He began to take slow steps toward us favoring his uninjured leg. "Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didnt realize that you were also bringing Derek to me."

"How about another gun shot wound to accompany the other?" I asked pointing my gun to him.

Gerard simply smirked in my direction. Before anything could be said an arrow was shot in the direction of Scott. As the arrow whizzed by Scott ducked away in time only for it to shoot into Isaac instead.

Isaac stumbled backwards holding his stomach where the arrow hit before falling to the floor. Scott and I turned fast getting to Isaac and pulling him away and behind a wall so he could heal.

I ran back out closer to Jace. Argent and I shared a glance and a nod before both shooting a round at Jackson. His body whipped around from being hit as he hissed out before running away. He climbed over Argent's SUV to use it as coverage. Argent continued to shoot blindly at him.

Soon Argent was out of bullets. He quickly removed the clip before exchanging it. Before he could shoot though the tail of the Kanima wrapped tightly around the gun before throwing it from his reach.

Argent, seeming weaponless ran to the other side of the room, the Kanima quick to follow. Argent whipped out a knife as the Kanima pushed him, throwing him into the air before he crashed down once again.

With the Kanima's back to me I quickly sent three more shots to his back. His body whipped around to face me before his angry hissing screech filled the air.

Derek jumped over a crate fully transformed to land next to me letting out a loud roar in the Kanima's direction. Coming to a stand next to me. Soon he began throwing punches at the Kanima. The Kanima blocking most of them. Scott came running from behind me and threw his claws into the Kanima's back to quickly be thrown away. Isaac following directly behind wrapped his clawed hands around the Kanima's throat and began to squeeze tightly. The two fighting against each other.

I unloaded the rest of my clip into the Kanima, when my gun clicked signaling it was empty I tossed it to the side. Jace and Isabelle stood next to me all of us waiting for our time to strike.

Soon Isaac was thrown from the Kanima as well. Derek jumped from above to send a harsh punch to the Kanima's back. With that the Kanima stumbled before turning to face Derek. The two fought hard as the Kanima tried to throw Derek again he simply used the momentum to back flip off the wall and hit the Kanima once more. Derek was tossed a side as Scott ran up behind him and kicked him in the back sending the Kanima into the wall.

Jace handed me his spare blade and it lit up automatically in my hold. The way it felt, it felt as though it was a part of me. I simply watched it glow for a moment in my hold. The sreech of the Kanima brought me back into the fight as I saw he had all three werewolfs down on the ground.

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