Chapter 30

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" how do I look?" Odell asked Demi.

" so fucking sexy babe" she said pecking his lips.

"So where are you taking us? Demi asked.

" somewhere. Come on, the car outside waiting" Odell said.

" fineeee" Demi said as she walked out the door first.

Odell held the door open for Demi, letting her get in before he slid behind her.

"You nervous?" Demi asked.

" a little bit, I don't like to make bad impression" Odell said.

" you're not babe" she said rubbing his leg.

Odell told Demi to tell her parents that he was treating for dinner. He wanted tonight to go good. Getting to Demi's house Demi got out the car to go get her mom and Dwayne.


"Wow, we're getting on a jet to go have dinner. Where are we going Odell?" Carla asked.

"That right there is a surprise" he chuckled.

"dammit" Demi mumbled.

"Yo stop trying to find out, just wait and see" Odell said laughing at Demi.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Dwayne asked.

" ah like 5, 6 months" Odell said.

"9 months" Demi said rolling her eyes.

" oh don't let that phase you honey, men don't remember stuff like that" Carla said.

" I try" Dwayne said taking a sip of his drink.

"So you're the one that's been buying her these designer bags and shoes?" She asked.

" yeahhh, that's me" Odell smiled.

" she's a spoil little girl but don't be afraid to tell her ass no"

"Oh yeah of course"


"Italy! Really babe!" Demi smiled.

" ten points" Dwayne said walking pass Odell towards the car that was waiting for them.

"Wow, you're really trying to make a good impression" Demi said as she held Odell's hand walking towards the truck.

The restaurant wasn't far from the airport so they got there pretty quick. They was seated and had ordered their drinks.

"I don't mean to be noisy but how did you pay for all this?" Carla asked.

"Oh I play for the Cleveland" Odell said.

"No way, that's my favorite team" Dwayne said.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I can get you some tickets when the season start" Odell said.

" my baby is leaving at the end of the month" Demi said hugging Odell.

"So what does that mean for you and my daughter?" Carla asked.

"Hopefully our love for each other will go stronger. I love your daughter so much and I don't think I'm ever letting her go" Odell said.

"Yeah you bet not. Don't even loosen your grip on her or I'm gonna be on your ass" Dwayne said.

"Yes sir" Odell said chuckling.


"Before you go can I talk to you really quick?" Dwayne asked.


Odell got out the car with Carla and Dwayne. Demi and Carla going inside the house while the two men stayed back to talk.

" her father isn't here to do this so I'm standing here for the both of us. If you ever hurt Demi or think about hurting her you got hell to pay, I don't play about that young lady. I'll snap your bones in a million pieces and then feed you to my two pits at home. I want you to give her nothing but respect"

" yes sir, I understand" Odell said.

"So far you got my respect. I never been to Italy or to even have dinner there in that matter so thank you for that" he said before going inside the house.

When the door opened again both Kehlani and Demi was walking out with bags.

" where y'all going? Odell asked.

" with you nigga, y'all bitches done went to Italy to eat so I'm going to yo crib to eat" Kehlani said limping towards the truck.

" what if I don't got no food?"

" shid, She always there so you got food nigga" she said.

" heyy, what's that suppose to mean" Demi said getting in the truck.

"You small but you hold a lot" Odell said lightly smacking Demi's butt when she got in.


A/N: time skip next chapter

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