Chapter 39

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Demi woke up as they was rolling her into the hospital. She clutched her stomach when she felt pain hit her.

" m-mama" she called out looking up seeing a bunch of unfamiliar faces.

" I'm right here Demi" Carla said as she walked with them.

"They have to do an emergency C-section. Your water broke and you can't push because your pressure is too high" Carla informed Demi.

Odell was right behind Carla, he wasn't leaving Demi's side. His mama tried to get him to go get his eye checked out but he didn't care about that. They only allowed Odell and Carla in the room with Demi. They got Demi ready for her C-section giving her the medicine, Carla was watching everything they was doing while Odell stood by Demi.

" everything's gonna be ok" Odell said kissing Demi's forehead.

Odell held Demi's hand the whole time, as soon as they cut Demi open the baby was right there. When the doctor pulled the baby out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck and the baby face and lips were purple. The doctor looked over at Carla who already knew what had happened.

"W-why the baby ain't crying? What's going on?" Odell asked peeking over the sheet.

"What happened?" Demi asked.

Carla looked at Odell before she walked over to her daughter, just seeing the worried look on her daughter's face brought tears to her eyes. The nurses still cleaned the baby up for them. They sewed Demi up getting her comfortable before giving the news.

" I'm sorry but the baby passed, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her throat" the doctor said.

When they brought the stillborn over, handing her to Demi she broke down in a sob.

"My baby girl" she cried.

Odell tried to hold it together but that didn't last long. He walked out the room, he slid down the wall resting his head on his knees as he cried. Hearing Odell cry Kehlani rushed in the room with Dwayne and Clarence behind her.

" what's going on son?" Joy asked sitting on the floor next to her son.

" the baby dead, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck" Odell said wiping his tears.

" oh baby, it's ok to cry. Mama got ya" joy said wrapping her arms around him.

" she's in a better place nephew"

They ended up going back in the room and Carla decided to give Odell and Demi alone time with their baby so they could say goodbye.

" I told your daddy you were a girl" Demi said looking at her dead baby.

The baby was so small Demi was able to her her with one hand. She just didn't understand why her water broke when she was only 5 months.

" my heart hurt" Odell mumbled.

" I know.....come sit with me" Demi said moving over.

Getting in the bed with Demi  he broke down crying again seeing his daughter. Demi wiped Odell's tears even though she had her own running down her face.

"We have to name her" Demi said.

" I just want her middle name to be angel" Odell said.

" ok. What about Aliyah Angel Beckham?"

" yeah. I like it"


Odell and Demi decided to just bury Aliyah while he was already in New York. He canceled his meeting and asked his coach for time off. He didn't leave Demi side, his family and girlfriend went back to the hotel but he stayed.

"So Ms. Lovato the reason why the baby came so early was due to stress plus you have Uterine abnormality" the doctor said.

"What's that?" Demi asked.

" you're not able to carry a baby pass 6 months" he said.

" so that means if I try to have babies they just gonna end up dying?" She asked.

" no sweetie, they'll just be premature. Aliyah died because her cord was wrapped around her neck" Carla explained.

" you ok?" Dwayne asked Odell.

"  I don't no" Odell said.

"What about you? You good?" Odell asked trying to make conversation.

" I'm ok"

" I heard you proposed awhile back, when the wedding?" Odell asked.

" next year January" Dwayne said.

" 4 months away"

"Yeah I invited your mom and aunt so you can come with them" he said.

" thanks"

Clarence haven't said a word to his best friend, he knew she was mad at him so he stayed in the background.

" you need to apologize to her. Yo brought the bull shit this time" Kehlani said.

Clarence looked at Kehlani before he went and sat in the chair next to Demi.

" I'm sorry..... I just let my anger get the best of me. You already know how I feel about you and idk.... I just wanted us to be a thing" Clarence said.

"I think we need a break from each other. It's for the best" Demi said.

A/N: sorryyyy😬

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