She's Leaving Home

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Waking up that morning felt a little weird to Harry. 

He couldn't actually pinpoint the reason he was feeling weird, but it was definitely there, in the back of his head, bugging him. 

He opened his eyes, slowly at first, to avoid being invested by the bright morning light filtering through the windows - he should've really bought curtains - but it turned out to be useless. A bright ray of sunshine shone directly in the direction of his left pupil, and he immediately closed it, flipping himself on the other side of the bed, facing the closet, scrunching his nose and taking a deep breath, counting to ten before deciding it was actually safe to re-open his eye and give another chance to that whole waking up thing. 

Which was bound to happen, sometime soon - even just because he needed to do that in order to go on with his day. 

He lazily and excruciatingly slowly ran a hand through his messy hair, making it even messier and let out a long sigh. Then, he finally opened his eyes. 

He didn't have to work 'til the afternoon, so he had some time to stay in bed and do nothing at all, but at least he had dealt the most dreading part of them all: the actual waking up. 

To make sure he wouldn't have dozed off again, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand right next to his bed, where it had been charging all night, and turned it on. 

It immediately started buzzing with the numerous notifications of messages from his groupchats and the other apps. He decided to check on the groupchats first, after taking a look at the notif's preview: nothing too important, just the lads sending memes and stupid voice memos over the night, joking about how they would've never wrote their dissertation in time, how they would've ended up without a degree after wasting their life for 5 years, and how it would've been better to just opt for a farming career. 

He chuckled while scrolling through the texts, adding some "AhAh" here and there, and some "Thumbs Down" to the dumbest texts. 

Scrolling through the rest of the chats, to see if he had missed some other text, he stumbled upon an old conversation with Irene. He opened it. It was from a couple days earlier, and no one could've said it was a deep conversation, just small talk. He had also left her on read - in reality, he had just forgot to answer her after accidentally opening the messages. 

He sighed, closing his eyes and stretching his neck over the pillows, thinking about how him and Irene hadn't talked much since the infamous Sunday night party, after he had messed up with Anna. It wasn't that he hadn't wanted to; he had just been too busy with other things - one of them being making up with Anna - to actually pay attention to Irene's texts. And, but maybe he was reading too much into it, he had the sensation that Irene was being a little colder to him, after Sunday night. Just for starters, she hadn't sent him one single emoji during the whole week, and she loved using emojis, especially the ':D' one. But maybe he was reading too much into it. 

He took the sudden decision to send her a text, a simple 'Hi, how're you doing? H.'. Now that he didn't have much on his mind he could've made the effort to be better at texting back and sounding at least a little enthusiastic of doing it. Maybe Irene had seemed a little distant because he was being distant, without really wanting to be distant. 

He spent some more time wasting the morning away in bed, playing some useless game on his phone, until he heard the distinct growl from hunger that his stomach was letting out and he huffed, checking the time on his phone: 9:56am. Maybe it was time to get up and make himself something to eat. 

He yanked the covers from his body and immediately got up, to make the shock of the sudden lack of warmth less painful and threw on a simple t-shirt. He wore his slippers, retrieved his phone from the messed up covers and walked into the kitchen. Empty

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