I Think You Know

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Whatever Harry had been out doing that night of so important to leave both Dom and Anna alone, entrusting them with his kitchen and whatnot, Anna never got to know. 

Harry had mysteriously left the apartment, and she had been half-distracted by Dom's presence; the other half of her brain was silently hoping that a miracle would've happened, enabling her to detach herself from her physical form and go out in search of Harry. Of course, that hadn't happened, and she had been left sitting at home, waiting for Harry to come back - soon, she was hoping, because he had both work and a tutoring lesson the next day, so he needed the rest.

The night with Dom had been lovely, as it always was when the lad was involved. But then Dom had started to yawn, each time a little louder and whinier than the previous one, his eyelids naturally falling shut, getting heavy.

And Anna had started to get tired too, for the first time in days of fearing and rejecting sleep. Talking about what had happened with Mathias at the party had lifted a weight off her shoulders and she felt like she could finally stand up straight, and breathe, and relax a little. Someone, apart from her, knew what had happened. And that someone hadn't blamed her, that someone had told her it had been her fault. 

So she had sat on the couch, next to Dom, silently laughing at him as he fought himself to stay awake, his head falling a bit forward each time, before he promptly caught himself and jumped, suddenly waking up and looking at her like nothing had happened. This had been going on for a long time, as a forgotten late night movie played in the background, the volume muted almost all the way down because the two had been chatting all night about what type of sauce was the best one. 

At a certain point, when the clock had struck midnight, Dom had finally given up and had fallen asleep right there on the couch, head thrown back on the edge, arms folded on his lap, legs sprawled in front of him. 

Against any better judgement, Anna had curled herself up in a ball next to him on the couch, arms hugging her knees to her chest. She didn't want to leave him alone in the house and settle into her bed. It felt rude and insensitive; after all he had remained there for her. He could've easily left hours prior, because just like Harry he had work in the morning, but he had remained, because even though Harry hadn't told him what had happened to Anna, and what she had told him, Dom had understood that something wasn't quite right with her, and he didn't want to leave her alone. Not until Harry would've showed up, at least. 

But it was way past midnight, and Harry still hadn't returned yet. So Dom was now slowly falling asleep on one their couches, his facial features slowly relaxing due to that bliss you get from that first wave of sleep that hits you when you give in to your sleepiness. And Anna's eyes were starting to close on their own volition too, the sleep she had to catch up from the whole past week slowly peeking out of every corner of her body it had been hiding itself at. And when fighting it had become too much for her, Anna had simply succumbed to it. 

She had fallen asleep, easily slipping into a deep slumber, her whole body relaxing and leaning forward, until it came into contact with Dom's body. Precisely, with Dom's shoulder. He was warm and inviting and reassuring, and Anna naturally felt attracted to it, automatically nuzzling closer to him until her upper half was resting completely on the left side of his chest. 

The guy only flinched a little, then quickly adjusted himself to the newfound position, his arms softly wrapping themselves around Anna's torso, hugging her to his chest, his chin resting on top of her head. 

That's how Harry had found them, when he had walked back into the apartment, shortly after 1am. 

He had been silent, carefully avoiding making any major noises to not wake them up in case they had fallen asleep. He had carefully closed the front door, then slipped his shoes off in the house entrance to walk around in his socks and cut off some of the noise. He had tiptoed his way through the hallway into the living room, spotting Dom's head from behind the couch and silently making his way around it to gently shake him and tell him it was time to go home. 

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