Chapter Five

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Cheryl's POV

Right after school I tracked down Veronica. I needed to talk to her. She always stayed after Betty and me to wait on Archie to get done with football practice so they could walk home together.


Veronica turned at her name and when she saw me she wore a confused look on her face.

"Cheryl, What are you doing here?" She said surprised. I usually waste no time getting out of this dump.

"What if I do." I said having trouble constructing my sentences properly.

"Come again?" Veronica asked.

I took a deep breath and thought about what I was trying to say. I felt a single tear roll down my face as I kept trying to get a sentence out.

"What's wrong Cher?" Veronica said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"What if I do like Toni? I said sniffling "My legs turn to jelly when she comes around, the butterflies, I've literally been thinking about how i'm going to Pops with her for the whole day, I drove her to my house for Gods sake. What am I going to do."

"There's nothing wrong with liking Toni Cheryl, I'm happy you're not denying it anymore. You know me and Betty will always love you and accept you and anyone who decides otherwise is crazy. You'll always have us."

"Thanks V, but you know her reputation. She's probably just trying to get in my pants." I sighed.

"And if she is, which I highly doubt because I mean look at you, you're a smokeshow. If she tries anything, me and Betty will kill her."

"Thanks for this V, I knew I could come to you with anything." I said pulling her into a hug.

"Would you fill Betty in for me while you two shop for me?" I said as I got up to leave


"So Fangs, how's it going with the Keller boy?" Sweetpea asked from his usual spot on the couch.

Me, Jughead, Fangs and Sweetpea were all in me and Fangs' trailer. Sweetpea and Fangs were on the couch opposite of me while I lay on a different couch icing my stab wound. The pain had gotten significantly better but I'd put a lot of pressure on it today.

Jughead sat next to me on the couch typing on the typewriter Betty gave him for Christmas. Really cool gift by the way.

"His name is Kevin, and it's going pretty good." Fangs said correcting Sweetpea like he did me. Wow he must really like this boy. I'm happy for him.

Sweetpea, Jughead and the rest of the Serpents  were really accepting of me and Fangs. Another reason why I loved them so much.

"Guess what I found out today. You guys won't believe it." Jughead said.

"Try us." I said fiddling with the remote.

"His name is Kevin Keller. As in sheriff Keller. He's the sheriffs kid." Jughead chuckled looking up at us.

"No way!" Sweetpea exlamined, "Now we can always have one up on the Northsiders with you dating him Fangs."

"I'm not going to use him like that." Fangs said crossing his arms.

"Come on man, you aren't really using him. When he rants to you about his dad, just tell us what he says." I tried to reason with him, "You're the only way we stay one step ahead of the Northsiders."

Fangs stayed silent.

"When do you see him next?" Sweetpea asked.

"I'm supposed to meet him at Pops today at 6."

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