Chapter Six

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Toni's POV

"Yeah but you know that's not me man."

Me and Fangs were getting ready in the trailer we shared. Me and Cheryl had been texting all weekend and I was ranting to Fangs.

I was catching feelings.

Actual "I want to be with you", "You make my heart smile" feelings.

And it was scary.

This was a whole new thing for me. Toni never caught feelings.

"Maybe you should try to be with her. Sounds like you really like her." Fangs said sticking his head out the bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"That's the whole problem, I don't do commitment you know that. You can't give someone that much control over you." I said explaining my philosophy.

"Sounds like you already have." Fangs chuckled pulling on some pants.

"You're certainly one to talk, Mr. I'minlovewiththeKellerboy".

We both laughed at that for a couple seconds. "His name is Kevin, and I wasn't the one passionately kissing him on the forehead." He said winking at me.

"You saw that?" I said my cheeks heating up as I pulled on my replacement Serpent jacket.

"Me and Kevin, It was just the cutest thing." Fangs said chuckling, "Don't worry he won't say anything"

"Give him my thanks. I don't need any more drama in my life." I sighed.

"I still think you should try to be with her. She seems pretty great." Fangs said tossing me my helmet as we walked out of the door. "Plus when do you ever see a redheaded girl, sure there are redheaded boys but she's like the only redheaded girl in Riverdale. You'd have a one of a kind." Fangs said sliding his helmet over his head and hopping onto his motorcycle.

I chuckled as I thought about it.


As me and Fangs parked in our usual spots beside Jughead and Sweetpea. I hopped off my bike and removed my headband to see Jughead coming towards me.

"Toni? Fangs? A word?" Jughead said as he approached us.

"Yeah sure."

"Word has it the Bulldogs are out for our blood. Someone vandalized the statue of General Pickens yesterday night. His head was cut off. The Northsiders are convinced it was a Serpent."

"But me and Toni were at Pops last night, and you and Sweetpea were at the trailer park." Fangs countered.

"Yeah we know that, but they don't. Me and FP are looking for the real culprit so we can clear our names but until then stay on guard. You guys got your knives? Just in case?" Jughead asked pulling his beanie onto his head.

"Always." I said feeling the imprint in my pocket."

"Good, we need to stay on our toes. Especially around Reggie, He's the definition of a loose cannon." Jughead said.

"Got it captain." Fangs said securing his helmet onto the back of his bike like he always did.

"Oh and, I approached you two separately because, well, just saying that maybe it's best you two stay away from Kevin and Cheryl until this all blows over. We just need to keep our heads down so we don't need to take any desperate action." Jughead shrugged.

"Come on man! Kevin would never do anything like that." Fangs pestered.

"I'm saying it's better for them. Im avoiding Betty until this all blows over. We don't want any Northsiders close to us becoming targets because they spend time with us. Just keep your distance." Jughead said softly.

"He's right Fangs." I said resting my hand on his shoulder.

"Hurry and find that head." Fangs huffed.

Me and Jughead laughed in response as we turned and headed towards the main doors, Fangs close behind us.

As we entered the school, we saw it.

"The perfect storm." Jughead whispered loud enough for me and Fangs to hear.

It was Betty, Kevin and Cheryl all talking not to far in front of us, in the direction we all had to walk.

"Since when are they such fast friends?" I huffed as we stood there in awe.

"We can't go around?" Fangs whined.

"Not unless we want to be 30 minutes late, stuck roaming the hallways bound to run into a pack of Northsiders." Jughead sighed.

"So what do you say we do chief." I said turning to face Jughead and Fangs.

"The only thing we can do, simply ignore them. If one of them calls out to you, ignore it and keep walking."

"Sounds hard." Fangs said darting his eyes to look at them every once in a while.

"It's our only option." Jughead said getting a look of determination on his face.

I took a deep breath as I started to walk. As we got closer, the trio noticed us.

Betty was the first to act. She started to approach Jughead but he simply nudged her away. Kevin hadn't noticed the ordeal and started to approach Fangs from where he stood, Fangs simply shook his head and told him "Not now", and turned his eyes straight ahead.

I gulped as Cheryl looked to me and took a step. I simply looked at her with the meanest glare I could muster. The glare I gave my uncle after he called me an abomination for being gay. The glare I gave Reggie just before I punched him. A glare made from pure anger.

She froze in her tracks, but the look on her face. I had to look away, because the look on her face almost broke me.

I almost ran and kissed her like I so desperately wanted to. Almost told her she made my heart smile.

But I didn't.

When we finally turned the corner, we stopped and looked at one another.

"The look on her face, I almost gave in." Jughead said pulling his sleeve up.

"Tell me about it." I grunted as I winced remembering the look of hurt on Cheryl's face.

"It would save us a whole lot of trouble if we just didn't come to school until the head is found." Fangs suggested.

"That's not a bad idea, Fangs, not a bad idea at all. We can't avoid running into them, it's inevitable. We might as well go home." Jughead said looking deep in thought.

"It certainly wouldn't hurt." I said thinking of my bed.

Jughead sent a quick text to Sweetpea, wherever he was. Telling him to come to the trailer park, that it was the safest option right now.

As we headed towards the back exit, I couldn't shake this feeling in the pit of my stomach. This feeling that I might lose Cheryl over this.

It made me want to vomit.

Maybe I did want to be with Cheryl.

That thought right there hurt worse than any stab wound every could.

What was she doing to me?

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