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(Seán's POV)

It was 4th period, which meant it was finally lunch time. I sighed heavily and walked into the noisy cafeteria with my head down, looking at the floor below me.

I went through the lunch line and fixed my lunch tray while paying for it. I continued to walk while looking down as I suddenly bumped into someone, causing the food on my tray to land on my hoodie. 'Fucking great..'

"H-Hey look, I'm s-so sorry. I wasn't looking at w-where I was going.." I said softly while looking up and saw Mark as my expression changed.

Mark was head of the football team and was very popular at school. And as you could tell, the jock is always a bully who likes to pick on a particular person. And that person happens to be, me.

"Look at what you did you fucking loser." Mark said while slightly shoving me as i stumbled, but continued to gain balance.

"Look, I said I'm sorry" I said softly from slightly being scared as Mark rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Fucking loser." Mark said while grabbing the milk carton off of his tray and poured it ontop of my head while walking away.

The cafeteria became full of laughter as I threw my tray away and quickly ran out of the cafeteria into the bathroom, locking myself into one of the stalls while crying, hoping the day would end sooner.

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