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(A/N: Hey, hello, hi! How are you enjoying this book so far?? I hope you're enjoying it :). AnYwAyS, on with the story! )
(Third POV [imma stick with doing third pov now] )

Class was finally over as students started rushing out of the classroom, like usual. Seán grabbed his books and walked out of the classroom, walking over to his locker.

When he made it there, Seán saw someone standing infront of it as he slightly raised his eyebrow and sighed heavily. "Hey uh, excuse me. This is m-my locker and, I need to get my backpack.." Seán said softly as the person looked up and chuckled softly at him. It was Felix.

"Seán? Oh, hi dude. Sorry, I'll get out of your way" Felix said while smiling and moved away from Seán's locker as Seán slightly sighed, opening it and grabbing his backpack while closing it.

"So, you ready?" Felix asked while slightly tilting his head as Seán put his backpack on and raised his eyebrow again, "Am I ready for what..?"

"To go get some coffee with me ya doof." Felix said while chuckling softly as Seán slightly blushed and looked at Felix, "Oh heh, yeah. I'm ready."

Felix smiled softly at Seán and grabbed his hand as they walked out of the door. The quick gesture made Seán blush slightly more as he moved his hand away from Felix's hand, causing Felix to stop walking.

"Hey, what did you do that for?" He asked while raising his eyebrow as Seán stared at him, his face slightly red like a tomatoe.

"I-I don't want anyone to think that w-we're, dating." He said softly while fiddling with the strings on his hoodie as Felix slightly smirked and chuckled. "Who says we aren't dating?"

Seán's attention went back to Felix as his eyes slightly widen, his face turning redder by the second, "I-I do. We a-aren't dating..."

"Chill, I was just kidding." Felix said while chuckling as Seán chuckled softly along with him, playing it off cool as thoughts rushed through his mind.

'Does he actually like me? Do i like him? Is he even gay? Does he know that I'm gay?'

He shook those thoughts out of his head and sighed while looking back at Felix, seeing him stare at Seán but quickly looked away, "C'mon, let's go before the café closes."

"H-Heh, yeah.." Seán said softly as Felix continued to smile and started back walking as Seán followed beside him.

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