Prolouge start part I of V (1 of 5)

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"I CANT WAIT TO GET MY QUIRK!" a very excited izuku says as they head to the doctor.  he brought he sketch book. he likes to draw and take notes on heros. while in the office the doctor said that izukus quirk activated weeks ago. then izuku slips and his finger  slips on his drawinfgof  a cat, and a living breathing cat jumps out of his notebook.

"I thinks thats it." the doctor says "so weve never seen this quirk before, what do you want to call it?" the doctor asked. "Uhh, sketchbook." "alright, sketchbook it is. lets register you!"

time skip to the park

"Kaachan, kaachan, kaachan! I got my quirk!" watch as he draws something in his notebook and it pops out "WOW! thats cool! whats it called?" bakugo asked excitedly. "I got to name it, so I chose Sketchbook!" izuku replied "COOL"

Sorry but the prolouge will be short, 4 parts of prolouge left!

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