Chapter 2: Blood for the Blood God

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AN:this chapter will follow the main villain

Amahiko Koshon

Quirk: Bleed

He is able to increase the severity of an injury by up to 10 times

Alias: the Blood God

Alignment: Villain

"Mmm, and you mena to tell me, that All Might is teaching at UA?" The mysterious man inquired, "Yes my lord." A man on a television screen replied, "Hmn, tell your pet Tomura Shigaraki to kill him as fast a possible." he replied "Yes my lord." The other mans name is Amahiko Koshon, also known as the Blood God, the man he was commanding is known as All for One.


(Hey, its me from like 2020, im currently rethinking shipping, so yeh.)

(April, 2020, im watching AOT, and in my Opinion, Annie is hot as fuck)

(May 1st 2020, harem + crossover?)(Also, make it this story, or new one?)

(May 13th 2020, im back bitches)

Izuku POV

"This is it, my dream!" He exclaimed, as the he heard shouting and turned around, oh hey-"

-cut- (wanna find out what I have planned for that scene? Say yes to harem crossover.)

"Man that was weird, wonder what they wanted?" (If we do do what i have planned  will be chapter 4.5) "1-A, 1-A, 1-A, OH! There is is!" As he walked in everyone was quiet, he was quiet, *just as planned, be nobodies frien-* "HEY, YOU, YES, HELLO MY NAME IS TENYA IIDA!" He said while robot hand, thing, doing. *UGHHHHHH* "what do you want?" He spoke chillingly, and cold, it wasn't his normal persona,he just was nervous around new people, so instead he plays it as he doesn't care. "RUDE MUCH?!" he replied, rather annoyed. "No, that would be you." Iida continued to yell but izuku just stopped suddenly, nobody noticed, until. "Lets see, a yeller, and the type who respects the quiet." A human caterpillar spoke. "This will be so tiring."

(Kae, bai nerds, soryr for being late.)

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