chapter 1

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P.O.V. Emily

today is the last day of school. you don't know how happy i am about that. finally done with high school. these were the best and worst times of my life. i only have to survive one day longer and then it's all done! when i arrived at school i saw my friend Sarah standing close to the door. i walked up to her and we started talking.

'hey Emily how are you. excited for the last day of school?' 
'hell yeah i'm so happy that this is our last day. but it's sad that we won't see eacht other that often anymore' i replied.
'yeah that's the only thing that sucks, but we can still hang out with each other. like watch movies and do nothing' she sad with a huge smile
'that sounds amazing haha'

right when i said that the bell rang. okay here we go last day. hopefully it won't be too bad. we walked in and saw all our classmates walking and joking around. even the mean people were nice today. it seems like everyone is happy that it is the last day. 

when we walked into the classroom we saw our teacher laying down some great snacks on the table. trust me this teacher always is really strict so to see him doing this was a shock for everyone. when everyone sat in the class the eacher started playing a movie without saying anything. everyone was really chill. this day wasn't that bad as i thought it would be.  

the rest of the day was great. we didn't d much tho. every teacher was done. they wanted summerbreak too. after the bell rang for the last time everyone rushed out of the building to go to their bycicle or car as fast as possible. I was stressing a lot because it was really busy outside.

after the majority left i also went home. on the way there i played some music. did i forgot to mention that i love music. i clicked on my playlist that i made. i was singing along to all the songs that were playing. i was having the best time of my life. i still had to cycle for half an hour so i better enjoy this time by myself. it already was pretty dark out even tho it wasn't that late. it was only 4PM. well i guess i have to go faster then. 

after 15 minutes of cycling while singing my heart out it started to rain really bad. there was also some thunder. normally i wouldn't care about that but this time i had a bad feeling about it. i thought that something bad would happen. 'just don't think about it' i said to myself. 'you'll only make yourself scared'. i was thinking about calling my mum to pick me up but i ended up cycling further to my house. in the end i better could've called my mum. in a split second everything went black and i don't remember anything from then.

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