chapter 2

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P.O.V. Emily

when i opened my eyes i was in a room i've never seen before. i also heard voices i couldn.'t recognize. the thing i knew for sure was that i wasn't hme. as i tried to get up i felt this strong pain in my arm. i als o had a juge headache. i just ignored that and went to explore the room i was in. right when i got out op bed there walked a guy in. i didn't know who he was so i was really sared. i thought that he was planning on hurting me. i wanted to run away but i just couldn't i was too scared to move.

"no don't be scared please".  the guy said.
"w-who are y-you?" i said as calm as possible
"i found you laying on the ground so i wanted to help you. i brought you to my house to make sure everything would be okay" he responded
i didn't know what to saay so i just looked at him with a questioning face
"well i'm Sean. i just moved here" he said
"hello Sean. n-nice to meet you" 
"and you are?" he said with a nice smile.
"i'm Emily"as confident as i could

Sean. that sounded familiar but i just couldn't think of where i've heard the name. i tried to forget it and just continue talking to him

"thank you Sean for this but i need to go home because my mum  must be worried" i said to him
"yeah i get that. well i hope to see you again soon.
"wait just to know which street is this?" 
"Marshallstreet" he said with a huge smile on his face
"oh that's great i live in the same street hahaha"i said kinda awkward
" whih number?"he asked
"well then we're neighbours ahahah because this is number 36"
"oh that's great hahaha. well i'm gonna head home becaue my mum must be worried. it was so nice meeting you Sean" 
"my pleasure"

as i walked out of the door i saw another guy. he looked so familiar but i just didn't know. i forgot about that giu and went home. when i came home my mum ran up to me.

"where have you been Emily" she said worried
"apparently i fell from my bike when i was on my way home. so our new neighbour saw me and pucked me up. he took care of me" 
my mum looked at me with a questioning face
"did he hurt you?"
"no he was really nice but if you don't believe me then ask himself. he lives next door"

after that i went to my room as fast as possible. i grabbed my speaker and started playing my music really loud. damn this day has ended so weird. whi did this needed to happen to me. i still can't forget about Sean and the other guy. i needed to know who he was. after some other thinking i fell asleep really fast because i was tired. this is the weirdest day i've had in years. but it wasn't too bad. let's enjoy summer from now on.

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