our first clue

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We have been on the road all day with a few pit stops along the way. It's getting late and knows it's my turn to drive. Paul Carl John and Tok are in my car while everyone else is Nicolae Peter Drogo Jason and a few other cars. There is 30 of us all together vampires werewolf witches, and mundane's all working together to find her. She means so much to so many of us all in different ways and some haven't even had the pleasure of meeting her yet.

While driving thinks back to the first time I looked in her beautiful blue eyes the way my heart beating against my chest the way my breath cough in my chest how a warmth I have never felt flowed through my body. Then when our hands touch that first time the electricity that when through me as I held her hand in mine. The first time we kissed in my office. The first time my lips touched hers how I nearly took her there in my office. Then the first time we made love and that blue lingerie set that matched her eyes. The way she feels around me how she fits as if she was made for me.

I turn the radio on to change the way my thoughts are going.

I arrive at a town called peek-view its seems like a quiet town. After getting supplies I head to the only cafe in town. I take a table in the corner and take a look at the menu.


(Leah)"Hello I'm Leah your waitress can I help you please"

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"Hello I'm Leah your waitress can I help you please"

"Hello, Leah it a pleasure to meet you. Could I have a black coffee two sugars and a full English please"

"How would you like your eggs"

"Sunnyside up please"

"Your order should be here shortly. I hope you enjoy your food"

"I'm sure I will thank you"

"Your welcome"

I watch as young Leah take my order to the cook.
A few minutes later she brings my coffee.

"Here is your coffee sir and your food will be a few minutes"

"Thank you"
She heads off to serve another customer when the door opens and in walks a woman with ginger hair.

"Hi mum"

"Hi, darling. I'll have my usual please"

"I'll bring it over mum"

I get out my phone to check my messages when Leah brings me my order.

"Your breakfast sir I hope you enjoy it"

"I'm sure I will thank you"
I tuck into my breakfast it really is good.

"Leah are you due a break"

"Yes it's not bizzy so I'll grab it know before things pick up"

"So have you decided on what university you're putting in for"

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