not the only she wolf anymore

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Averies has been gone a couple of hours now. I hope they got there in time to help the young girl.

My self and the other male wolves have gone back into the house and changed back to our human forms.

"Is there any clothes the women can wear"

"Yes, caz had some clothes brought here for your partner. I will show you to the room she was in"

I turn when I hear someone approaching. Averies comes running out of the trees in her wolf form. She is with her mother and another small blonde wolf that must be the young girl Elle.

"I see Sebastian. I run up and stop next to him. He crouches down and wraps his arms around me. I speak to him through my thoughts

"Go with the other male wolves back to Brady's cabin I will help the females turn back and help them get cleaned up and sort them some clothes"

"Are you sure"

"Yes this could take a little while"

"Ok but don't take to long I haven't seen you in two weeks"

"I'll be as quick as I can" I kiss him goodbye and watch as he runs off into the trees.

I nuzzle into Molly then set off into the trees following Sebastian.

Once all the males have left I turn back to my human form my mum then Elle  transform back.

"Ok, I will talk yous through turning back to your human forms. It will hurt so try and relax your body's as best you can. The more relaxed you are the less it will hurt and with time you will become less aware of the pain"

"Ok let's get this going. It's best if we do this one at a time just so I can give each of you all my attention. Who wants to go first"

One of them come forward its Molly.

"Lie down and relax your body. Picture your self in your human form then just let the change take over you. Just keep your human form in your mind and think of something like you would normally think of that helps you relax's like lying on the beach are listening to rain tapping of the roof of a home" 

It starts she transforms into her human form then one by one the other girls follow till there is know nineteen naked women. Including my self my mother and Elle

"Follow me"

We head in the house and head upstairs to the room that's I was kept in.

We follow her into a room then watch as she goes to a door and inside are clothes.

I go to the cupboard and looks through the clothes. There all sorts from dresses skirts tops to jeans. I notice some draws so I open them up and the first thing I see is my blue lingerie. I can't help but think back to when I walked into my kitchen and Sebastian looking at me with such lust in his eyes then how he kissed me and then we made love for the first time.

"Averie is everything ok"

"Oh sorry yes I was just remembering something" I pick a pair of black jeans and a blue top.

"I think it's best if yous have a shower first then pick out what you want to wear. I'll check the other rooms see if they have showers just it's going to take the rest of the day if we only use this one.

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