Last Day

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Mya's POV

Me and the rest of the class were just hanging out in my favorite class, Mr Iglesias' history class. In this class I have my best friend Marisol along with some of my other friends like Grace and Mikey. Although Mikey is... weird at times.

"All right, it's the last day of school. We got five minutes to go over all of American history." Mr Iglesias said.

Marisol raised her hand from behind me and said "Wiped out the indigenous people, oppressed the blacks, did some good stuff around World War II, and now the sun is setting on our empire."

Mr Iglesias sighed and said "Yeah, I guess we did cover it all."

Then Lorenzo being his stupid self said "Yeah, and even some stuff that didn't happen. Like landing on the moon. Come on!" We all laughed afterwards.

"I really gotta get you off Reddit, Lorenzo. All right, I see everybody gazing, looking out the window, ready to go full Braveheart on everyone." Me Iglesias said then he opened the window and started talking in a Scottish accent. "They might take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

Then I guess he scared a teacher and said "Sorry, Ms. Thompson! I didn't mean to scare you! Oh, that's not gonna end well."

"Of course, England did take Scotland's freedom, and they've had it for over 700 years. Don't tell Mel Gibson."

"Wait, Mel Gibson lost?"

"Yeah, it was kind of the beginning of a long losing streak for him. All right, bonus points. What did America have that Scotland didn't have, besides men who wear pants? This is coming from a guy wearing shorts."

"I got this. Weapons." Walter said being stupid as always.

"Seriously, Walt? You think the Scots got to the battlefield and were like, "Hey, Angus, is there something we're forgetting?" "Oh, no, I got my charger and my Bluetooth speakers." "What're we forgetting?" "Weapons!"" Mr Iglesias explained.

Then Marisol of course answered the question "America was basically a castle with a 3,000-mile moat. It's called the Atlantic Ocean."

Then Mr Iglesias went "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Marisol is right once again! Oh! You're always right.
You're worse than my ex."

"All right, look, you guys. It took the British two months to sail food all the way across to here, all right? They could've just called Domino's."

"Ooh! I'll split a Meatlovers."

"My man. Okay, lightning round. Who remembers the Monroe Doctrine?" Mr Iglesias asked and then Marisol, as always, raised her hand.

"Anyone else?" He asked, I guess no one raised their hand because then Mr Iglesias spoke up again.

"Mya how about you, take a minute away from your notebook and share." I rolled my eyes and then said.

"In 1823, James Monroe declared any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas a hostile act." I smirked then Mikey spoke from next to me.

"So smart." He said in almost a dreamy tone. Then he scoffed and said "James Monroe!" Very loudly, and since he was sitting right next to me I covered my ears.

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