Clear Injustice

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Don't know why but I wanted to add an outfit to this chapter so just imagine her in this minus the accessories. Ok enjoy the story💕

Mya's POV

It's the first day of school and to be honest I'm almost happy to be back, not that we really left.

"All right, gang, I'd ask you how your summer was, but since we spent it together, I know it was awesome." Mr Iglesias said not that I could disagree. I love history and I got to hangout with all my friends so there was really no complaint.

"It's like we never left." Lorenzo said and honestly I agree. "Whoa! You know, maybe we never did." And there's the psycho.

"The gum I put under here is still soft." Walt said... ew. Oh my god he just put it in his mouth!! "And minty!" I'm gonna throw up.

I gagged and then said "Disgusting, and yet not at all surprising." Then we both tipped imaginary hats to each other.

Then Mr Iglesias continued "You guys did such a great job in summer school, it gave me an idea. I want our class to represent the school in this year's academic decathlon at the end of the semester." Wait what, yeah no I'm not participating in this.

"That's what the honors students do." Walt said. And we all agreed.

"Well, you could challenge them, and you could beat them." Mr Iglesias said but none of us came forward.

"Who's in?" He asked and the only sound that could be heard was crickets. No, seriously Grace dowloaded this app I showed her so you can heckle people with different sound effects.

"Nice one, Grace. I see you downloaded the Heckler app." I guess Mr Iglesias has seen the app.

"Look, in all seriousness, you guys, you could do this if you really wanted to." He said, but the thing is we don't want to.

"Exactly." Lorenzo said. "If we wanted to." Walt finished.

"We know you want us to thrive, Mr. Iglesias, but we're happy just getting by." Walt continued. I think that should be his senior quote, that is if he makes it to senior year.

"You should put that on a T-shirt, Walt." Mr Iglesias suggested.

"Academic decathlon, Mr. Iglesias? That's a rich kid thing. They have tutors. Their tutors have tutors.
They live in two-story Tudors with two-car garages, and get this, two parents. What?!" I tried to convey my negative thoughts about this to him I guess that wasn't going to be that easy.

"Look, I'm gonna take your zero interest as a hard maybe." He said and smiled at me with a thumbs up. I honestly cannot be mad at the guy when he does funny stuff like that.

Then my actual least favorite person that works at this school came in. Hernandez...

He brought this huge box in and put it on Mr Iglesias' desk "Good morning, Mr Iglesias. Students."

"Speaking of hard maybe." Mr Iglesias said. Ok I freaking love this class.

"I come bearing gifts, and by gifts, I mean new rules." Of course. Classic Hernandez, gives you a slight glimmer of hope and then shoves it through a meat grinder.

I guess Mr Iglesias agreed with my thoughts as he then proceeded to say "Oh! There is nothing like the look on a kid's face on Christmas morning. "Look, Mommy! Look what's in my stocking! A new rule!""

"I pitched Principal Madison the idea of creating a new position: school security czar." Hernandez continued, buttoning his blazer all weird.

"Let me guess, you've nominated someone completely unqualified: yourself." Mr Iglesias said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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