Set Back

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This is an original but I will write another episode for the next chapter

Mikey's POV

I'm so excited for school today! Our class is going to empty our lockers which means I get to see Mya and talk about our kiss yesterday. I can't wait to tell all my friends and see what they think I should do. I texted them all to come 30 minutes before we're supposed to be here so we can talk without risk of Mya hearing.

I walked into Mr Iglesias' class and saw Marisol, Grace, Walt, Lorenzo, and Mr Iglesias all sitting there with slightly annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Finally! If you're gonna make us come early you could at least be here on time!" Marisol said very upset.

"Sorry I'm late but I have really REALLY big news to tell you guys!!" I said smiley as big as I possibly could.

"Well are you gonna tell us or make us stare at your teeth for 30 minutes?" Mr Iglesias said.

"Ok yeah um well... Mya kissed me!" I said very happy that I could finally tell someone.

"What!?" They all said in shock.

"I know right!! I can't wait to see her today!" I said somehow even happier if that was possible.

"Wait did this just happen or what we need details man!" Lorenzo said still very shocked along with everyone else.

"Well she was in her room and I came up to her window and said I had big news. Then we fell a few times and hugged then she kissed me!" I explained they were all still shocked.

"Well what're you gonna do?" Walt asked.

"I don't know, I mean I want to ask her out but what if she says no." I said getting slightly nervous.

"Dude she let you climb through her window, she hugged you, and then she kissed you! She's into you." Marisol listed off.

"Ok I'm gonna do it!" I said regaining my confidence. Everyone clapped and a few people patted me on the back.

Then my phone went off and it was a message from Mya!

"Everyone shut up Mya just texted me!" I yelled.

"Well what'd she say?" Mr Iglesias said.

"Um oh crap she said she's here I gotta go." I said grabbing my bag. A few people shouted good luck on my way out. I ran to Mya's locker where she said to meet her.

I saw her standing by her locker, beautiful as ever. Ok get it together just go up to her and ask her out.

"Hey." I waved as I walked up.

"Hey." She smiled.

"So I wanted to talk to you." She said looking a little anxious. I wonder what's on her mind.

"Me too." I said.

"Ok so..." we both said at the same time.

"Ok you go... or no I'll go..." we kept saying at the same time.

Being the gentleman I am I offered for her to go first. Yeah I know what I'm doing. "You go first." I smiled.

"Ok so I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." She said still very nervous. I wonder if she feels the same way.

"Oh me too." I smiled.

"Well I think it was a mistake." She said very fast and nervous. Wait she thinks it was a mistake...

"I think we both got caught up in the moment and stuff happened. I think we should just go back to being friends and act like the kiss never happened, I mean it's not like we like each other right." She explained everything. My smile fell.

"Oh um yeah... me too yeah that's totally what I wanted to talk to you about." I gave a fake smile.

"Good I'm glad we feel the same way. Also do you mind keeping this thing a secret I don't want to hear anyone's opinions on this." She continued looking happier now that I "agreed" with her.

"Oh yeah don't worry I haven't told anyone." I have a nervous smile. I gotta tell them to not say anything.

"Be right back." I said really fast and sprinted down the hallway back to Mr Iglesias' class. Thankfully everyone was still there.

I opened the door and peeked in everyone looked at me excited and curious.

"So how'd it go?" Mr Iglesias happily got up as I closed the door.

I just whined and fell into his arms.

"Yo dude what happened?" Marisol picked up my head and asked.

I explained everything that happened and they all looked like they felt bad for me.

"Hey Mikey don't worry I see how you two are in class if not now then I'm sure it will happen later." Mr Iglesias said trying to comfort me.

"But later is so far from now." I whined in my chair.

"Listen if she asks just play dumb ok none of this ever happened." I explained.

"Ok." They all agreed. Then Mya came in.

"Hey did I miss the meeting." She smiled.

"What? No! There's no meeting just friendship and honesty!" I said loudly and nervously.

"Ok well um I'm done with my locker so I just wanted to say bye." She said unsure, I guess she noticed my slightly nervous demeanor.

We all bid her farewell as she left. I may or may not have followed her to the door and looked out the window to watch her leave.

"Aaaaand weird Mikey's back." Marisol said.

Hope you enjoyed this original. I wanted to put a kiss early in the story but then I got ideas for original chapters that required Mya to be single so I thought this was the best solution. If any of you have an idea you would want me to try and write comment them and I might write them. Anyway I may update tomorrow so make sure to add this to your list so you know when I update.

Word count: 991

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