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"I'm thinking Chinese for lunch," (y/n) announced as Ethan came into the living room.

He groaned. "The last time we had that, they messed up every part of our order. Can't I have some time to heal?"

She lazily flipped through the last pages of the magazine in her hands. "It's been six weeks,Ethan. You have to give them another chance sometime."
"You're not the one who got duck in their order last time!" He indignantly crossed his arms. "Let's just order in pizza."

"Fine," she sighed. (y/n) pointed across the room to her phone on the TV mantle. "Go ahead and call that place down the street. I'm going to get some water." She tossed the Cosmopolitanon to the coffee table and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Ethan with her phone. Alone.

It wasn't that Ethan was a distrusting person, necessarily, he was just a bit nosy. He stared at the keypad in the phone app, switching over to the recent calls tab as quickly as he could. Most of them were pretty normal—her mum, Ethan himself, her job, and so on... But what really confused Ethan was the fact that the most recent phone call she'd made to leilani was over two weeks ago.

Wait. He'd just heard her chatting with lei about her sex life yesterday. There's no reason for her to have deleted the call so... it must have never happened.

(y/n) had been playing him the whole time. His mind felt like it was short circuiting. He truly had thought he'd gone mad! She knew exactly what she was doing, at least ever since the popsicle incident. He wasn't sure if he should be mad or super turned on, but he was sure that she couldn't get away with this.

"Everything alright, eth?" she asked, coming back into the living room with a sweating glass of ice water in her hand.

He scrambled to switch back to the keypad, hastily punching in the number to the shop and bringing the phone to his ear. "Yeah! What'd you want on yours, again?"

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