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"Nagito... I'm gonna stay home with you today.. Okay buddy...? You're really sick." Sans looks down lovingly, yet sympathetically at his boyfriend, Nagito Komaeda. Nagito has been prone to sickness his whole life, and since Sans got with him, it's rarely been this bad. His already extremely pale face is even paler, almost as white as Sans's bones. His cheeks are so flushed... His breathing heavy and drool dripping messily over his pale lips. He looks terrible... And Sans can't let it get worse.

"No... Sans... You have work today.. don't stay home for trash .. such as I." He sputters out. Sans can barely hear him.
"I'm staying .. sorry buddy. If you get any worse.. I dunno." Sans frowns, staring down at his boyfriend. Nagito grunts in reply, it becoming obvious that he's not going anywhere.

"Now close your eyes and rest. I'll take care of ya, bud." Sans smiles, sifting his bony fingers through the boys soft locks.
His hand trails down to his forehead, feeling his temprature. His temprature is.. very hot. Sans draws back his hand and sighs.

"Lemme just get you some things real quick. Hang tight."
Sans quickly rushes throughout the house, grabbing a cold, wet rag, some fever medicene, and cold water.
Within a few minutes, his back in the room with the sick boy, the cold rag pressed to his forehead.

"Thank you so much... Sans.. I'm so thankful.." He rasped, painfully smiling to himself.
"It's no biggie.. I love taking care of you." The skeleton giggles, helping Nagito to take a few pills.
"Well... Sans... You should probably stay away from me... I don't want to get you sick.."
Sans chuckles at this.
"I'm a skeleton. I can't get sick at all. Just weird bone diseases but I don't think you have any of that.."
"Ah.. right.  But I'd still assume... you have better things to do..?"
"Nope. Just let me take care of you, okay?"
Nagito opens his eyes, smiling at his boyfriend.
"Okay Sans."

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