kanye, how could you?

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Nagito Komaeda sifted his hand through his very own soft white hair, twirling his fingers at the wavy, off-white ends. "So... do you think we should confront him?" He whispered, his voice as raspy as ever. The skeleton on the living room couch beside him nodded solemnly, taking the others bony hand in his own actually bony hand. "He's really gotten out of control, y'know...?"

The both of them had been aware that something was up for a while now. But something this absurd was not expected. Sans and Nagito have witnessed many new things in their third 'half', much of which has been worrying. "He'll get over it. Everyone goes through phases.." Sans would say. His carefree demeanor would satisfy anyone's worries, especially Nagitos. But what can they force themselves to believe when his behavior begins to worsen.

"I guess there's not many other options. I really care about him... we both do." Sans sighed, empathetically. He is their soulmate. The three of them have been through tough times together. Their is still hope for their future... right? With a shudder from the green-jacketed man beside him, Sans decided to take initiative.

He tightened the grip on his partner's hand, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "C'mon. It's time to get the real Kanye back."

What had seemed like seconds, was actually seconds, before the two of them were at the door of their shared bedroom. The bedroom they also shared with Kanye West, the third piece in the puzzle of their relationship. A shared bedroom in which Kanye was inside of at the very moment.

(this has been in my drafts for over a year, im not even sure what I was going for anymore.)

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