Chapter 1 - Secret Assassins (NSFW)

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Nagisa yawned as he woke up , sunlight streaming through the window. He vaguely felt strong arms wrapped around him , in his sleepy daze. He didn't need to be properly awake to know who it is. Karma Akabane , his long term husband of 7 years. He smiled snuggling into the red heads chest taking in his scent. Karma smelt of cinnamon and smoke. According to Karma and his friends he smelt like candyfloss with a slight hint of the ocean. The blue haired omega let his eyes close again as he dozed back off. The realm of dreams taking them both. By the time they woke up again it was around 10am. Thank god it was a Sunday meaning they didn't have to get up. Nagisa heard one of their phones buzz , he grabbed his seeing a message from the Class 3-E group chat. He groggily rubbed his eyes with his sleeve to read it.

Rio: any of you losers awake yet?
Isogai: barely
Maehara: I didn't sleep last night
Isogai: your telling me...
Rio: why didn't you sleep
Maehara: nightmare
Isogai: even hot chocolate couldn't get him to go back to sleep
Maehara: sorry babe...

The two had started dating a year after they graduated when Isogai presented as an omega. He presented late and everyone thought he would be an alpha but nope he's an omega like Nagisa. They were both pretty good friends as they had that to bond over. Nagisa smiled as he typed his own reply and joined the conversation.

Nagisa: I just woke up...again. I hope your okay Maehara.
Maehara: I'm fine now
Rio: you always fall asleep again Nagisa , for a teacher your bad at getting up.
Nagisa: I was up till 3am Making lesson plansss
Karma: yeah and I had to throw you over my shoulder and literally carry you to bed.

Karma had woken up a few minutes ago without Nagisa noticing and had grabbed his phone to join the conversation.
Nagisa pouted as he cuddled into karmas side. After a few minutes of talking to their friends they went downstairs. Nagisa made breakfast while Karma hugged him from behind. After eating Nagisa started working an another lesson plan for a History lesson. Karma shook his head and pulled Nagisa away from his work. "H-hey Karma. I need to work."
Karma threw Nagisa over his shoulder with a huff. "It's a new class Nagisa you won't be doing any lessons for a few days and you've already planned those lessons so that one can wait. We don't have much time for the two of us so I want to make the most of the time we do have." He finished his sentence by dropping Nagisa on the bed and climbing on top of him. Nagisa blushed and swallowed thickly as Karma stripped his bottom half and positioned him. It wasn't long before karma slammed into him causing him to quiver and scratch at karmas back. He moaned lewdly as karma pounded into him fast and hard. He choked and mewled as the thrusts increased and Karma whispered sinful things into his ear. Nagisa was slick and he trembled in Karma's arms his head spinning from the intense pleasure. It was too much and yet not enough. Karma knew he was driving the tiny omega insane and he enjoyed every second of it. Nagisa clawed at Karama's back and shoulders drawing blood as he threw his head back screaming in ecstasy. His eyes were half lidded and lined with tears of bliss. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him making him shake. His chest heaved as he gasped for air in between each mewl and moan that left his lips. The sinful noises turned Karma on even more and he thrusted into Nagisa mercilessly. He slammed right into Nagisa's prosate and bit down on his collarbone , it pushed the omega over the edge. As Nagisa clamped down on him as he reached his high Karma knotted. He panted softly holding Nagisa's small shaking body close to him and gently brushed his hand through the blue locks. When his knot had deflated he pulled out and laid Nagisa's limp form on the bed. Nagisa was flushed and breathing heavily. He smiled up at Karma before his eyes fluttered close as Karma laid down behind him , wrapping his arms tightly round the boys waist , and the two fell back asleep.
*a few hours later*
The two lovers peaceful slumber was rudely awoken by a crash. Both gasped and sat up. Nagisa grabbed a knife from under his pillow and Karma grabbed a gun. They might not of picked assassination as their career path but old habits died hard. They stalked down the stairs in silence , Barely dressed. They came face to face with an intruder and soon an all out blood war raged in the elegant house. The guy came out worse than they did. A stab wound to the soldier and a bullet to the leg left him worse for wear. Karma finished him off and disposed of him. He returned to the bedroom to find Nagisa already fast asleep. Curled up wearing nothing but one of karmas work shirts , his long blue hair tumbling down his back. He'd decided not to cut it saying it reminded him of their days in Class 3-E. Karma smiles sliding under the covers and intertwining his arms round Nagisa's waist. The omega purred softly in the arms of the red head and the alpha smiled his fingers brushing over Nagisa's cheek in a loving caress. Today was definitely going to be a lazy day...

A/n: sorry it's so short this is more like a prologue I guess. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer. I love Assassination classroom and want to write some karmagisa fanfics but I don't have many ideas so hopefully this one works out okay. Goodbye my lovely kittens 🐱💙❤️🖤💜💚💛🧡💖

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