Chapter 2 - The New Class

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*5: 00 am*

Nagisa whined as he felt a hand shake his shoulder. He pressed his face into the soft pillow in a weak protest at not getting up. But the hand was he did the only logical thing , and bit one of the fingers on the hand rudely shaking him. He heard a hiss and the hand retracted. Satisfied Nagisa buried his face into the pillow intending on going back to sleep , only to receive a sharp slap to the ass. He gasped and looked up to be faced with a smarting Karma who was sucking on his bleeding finger. "Get up now before I slap Your ass Harder." Karma huffed and stormed downstairs.
Nagisa pouted dragging himself from the nice warm bed and down the stairs. He was still wearing nothing but one of Karma's work shirts. The top free buttons were undone showing of hickeys lining his neck and collarbone. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and bumped straight into karmas chest nearly toppling to the floor if it wasn't for karma grabbing a hold of him and pulling him close. "Honestly your so clumsy what will I do with you~" Nagisa just yawned burying his face into Karma's chest. Karma sighed and picked him up carrying him to the kitchen counter and sitting him on it. "This doesn't mean your forgiven for biting me" he complained out loud as he made breakfast. Nagisa was just sat on the counter in a daze. Karma glanced over at him slightly worried. Not that he showed it. He placed breakfast on the table and got Nagisa off the counter. "Nagisa are you alright? Your acting weird." He eventually asked the bluenette. Nagisa replied in a dazed voice. "M'okay....I feel a little sick but I'll be fine.." he sighed pushing his food around the plate. Karma sighed and frowned. He got up and put his plate in the sink as he'd finished eating. Nagisa pushed his plate away signalling he was done so Karma took his plate and put that in the sink to. They do the dishes later. Karma lifted Nagisa up and carried him to their room setting him on the bed while he got dressed into his tailor fitted black trousers , white button up shirt and black dress shoes. It was fairly warm outside so he just decided to carry his blazer around. Then he helped Nagisa get dressed. A light blue sweater , white blouse , black smart jeans and black boots. Nagisa looked up at him silently crying. "Baby what's wrong?" Karma asked softly. His secret sweeter side coming out. "I-I'm sorry for biting you...I didn't meant to hurt you...I'm sowwy..." Karma sighed pulling Nagisa close to his chest. He could tell there was something going on with Nagisa but he didn't know what it was. "It's okay , it didn't hurt , you didn't mean to." He wiped away Nagisa's tears and kissed his forehead. Nagisa slowly smiled and hugged Karma tightly. He grabbed his bag and straightened Karma's tie before using it to pull the alpha in for a kiss. Karma chuckled kissing back before waving the omega off. He shut the door , went did the dishes so they didn't have to worry about them later and fed their two puppies. A pit bull puppy named Monster who was Karma's and a Pomeranian puppy named Snow which was Nagisa's. Surprisingly the two pups got on very well. He sighed watching them eat and lap at their water. He stretched and yawned as he grabbed his phone , keys and wallet before getting into the car. Before starting the engine he checked his message. Most of which were from the group chat and a private one from Nagisa making him smile.

Nagisa: have a good day at work Babe~ Don't worry about the debate , it'll go fine , love you xx
Karma: i'm not worried but love you too x

Karma smiled. A genuine happy smile. Back when he was a teen he tended to hide behind cocky smirks instead of proper happy smiles , but since dating Nagisa and getting engaged his real smile came out more often. It was the small things like these sweet messages and spontaneous cuddle sessions and random little gifts that made him smile. He didn't need lots of money to be happy. Sure they were rich but that didn't matter to him. Nagisa loving him is what mattered. He opened the group chat and decided to read the conversation that had been going on since they woke up.

Blondes are smart (Rio): you losers up yet?
Classroom Prince (Isogai): noooo
Flirty Bastard (Maehara):he's awake but refusing to get up
Red head devil (Karma): Been up since 4:30 , got Nagisa up at 5:00
Brainless brute (Terasaka): way to early
Red head devil 😈 (Karma): I'm an early riser. Your just lazy
Brainless Brute (Terasaka): rude much
Brainless Brute (Terasaka): and who changed my nickname?
Red head devil 😈 (Karma): 😛
Blondes are smart (Rio): surprised you weren't able to guess
Smol Blueberry (nagisa): there's more kids than last year now I'm nervous 😥
Red head devil 😈 (Karma): you'll be fine babe , stop freaking out kay?
Smol blueberry (Nagisa): fineee , if I die from a panic attack it's your fault 😭
Brainless Brute (Terasaka): stop being sappy it's gross , and what's with all the emojis!?
Red haired devil 😈 (Karma): Just because you're eternally single doesn't mean we all are. And Emojis are cool.
Smol Blueberry (Nagisa): I have to go now , Class is about to start. Bye bye.
Red Haired Devil 😈 (Karma): Good luck x
Blondes are smart (Rio) Karma used a kiss? The world is ending-
Red Haired Devil (Karma) we stopped the world from ending sooo- anyway gotta drive now. Don't die without me losers. Hate all of you 🖕🖕🖕
Blondes are smart (Rio): Love you toooo

Karma turned his phone off putting it on silent and slipping it inside his blazer pocket. He put his blazer on the passenger seat and started up the engine of his red Ferrari and pulled out of the drive away. He grabbed a coffee from McDonald's and made it to work half an hour before his meeting. He sipped his coffee as he walked to his office , his blazer slung over his other arm. He sized sitting at his desk. His assistant , Sutoka handed him his schedule for that morning with a smile. "Would you like another coffee sir?" She asked. "No thanks" Karma replied curtly as he read over his schedule. The assistant had a look of disappointment in her eyes as she left. "Meeting before the debate in 20 minutes , debate at 9:00 , paper work 10:00 - 11:30 , meeting for the distributed loan for the Sakura Orphanage at 11:35 , free time 12:30 - 13:00 , paper work 13:00 - 14:30 , meeting for transaction costs 14:35 - 15:35 , free time 16:00 - 16:30 , paper work 16:30 - 17:30 , end of day. He sighed , most of today was boring. The debate wouldn't be too bad , and the meeting for the distributed loan for the Sakura orphanage interested him as he sine strong views on that. But otherwise he just wanted the day to be over already so he could go cuddle with his husband and go to sleep.
Nagisa breathed out a shaky breath. He always got nervous on the first day back. He watched the new kids as they filed in. He at least new one of them. Asashin Karasuma. Mr Karasuma and Professor bitches Son. His name meant assassin. Original right? Irina and Mr K had almost became like parents to him , they stayed in contact , the whole class had attended their wedding , but only he and Karma had been present for Asashin's birth. Asashin was like their adopted nephew , he even called them uncle. The children all sat down and Nagisa introduced himself. "Okay , hello and Welcome to class 3-H , I'm your teacher Mr shiota , and yes I am a boy. Wether your here because your being told your falling behind , or because your parents have heard this is a good place to get good results , or because people say your a problem child , I don't mind. You'll find that here we don't do things normally. I'm not just your teacher I'm your mentor and if you do have a problem you can always talk to me. Now , the way things go in this class , is if you work hard you'll be rewarded. Not in the way most schools reward kids , sweets are meaningless to most children. Your reward will be the chance to assassinate me. Obviously you can't actually kill me , but using fake weapons you'll get to fake kill me. Sometimes I will do a group assassination attempt as well. That is how I do things. It's in your best interest to do well~" he gave the class a mischievous smile. Asashin was smiling back. There was another kid , he had a nonchalant smile on his face. He had black hair and red eyes. Nagisa was vaguely reminded of some one...but there was no way it was that person. He got the kids to play some ice breakers which each other so they had a better connection with each other. There was some kids he'd definitely have to keep an eye on. After spending so much time with class E he knew the tell tales signs of troubled kids. He was one of those troubled kids a while back. After lunch he had them try and do a group assassination. He took of his sweater so he wouldn't ruin it. In front of the students laid water balloons and water pistols for them to use. Some do the kids looked sceptical. Was their teacher really letting them do this? Ain't it a hoax? But Nagisa was deadly serious. Asashin grabbed a water pistol with a grin. Slowly the other students armed themselves. Nagisa had a blank gun that he fired when he was in position. The gang alerted the students and the assassination started. They had to find him before they could try and kill him though. Nagisa was one guard for every movement. However this one kid. The one with the familiar smile. Was as stealthy and cunning as a fox. Nagisa didn't even hear him or notice him till it was too late. The only warning he got was his back Being drenched as a water balloon burst against his back. He gasped from the cold and spun around to face the kid. "Your dead~" the kid laughed. His laugh was identical to Koro-sensei. Nagisa was thoroughly creeped out and confused. "I killed you so what's my reward~" Nagisa sighed and smiled. "You May go home for the day." The kids smirked. "Awesome. Thanks teach~"
Nagisa shook his head softly as he watched the new kid retreat. This would be a weird year...
A/n: sorry for not updating in forever I've been super busy and I had writers block but boop. Here is the next chapter. It's unedited because I'm in a rush so sorry for the mistakes. I'll edit it later. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Who is this mystery child~ nurufufufufu

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