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Daniel and I walked to the entrance of Mr Miyagi's house after driving home - what a lovely ride. He kicked the wooden gate open and made a funny face ; I giggled. With our fingers still locked together, we walked to the side of the house to find Mr Miyagi.

"Hello!? Hey, uh, Mr. Miyagi?" Daniel exclaimed.


Daniel gave me a confused glance and shrugged his shoulders. He gently opened the door and I followed him inside. Daniel sat on the twin sized bed and started to lay down. His stomach was hurting from the kick and the cut on his right cheek was bleeding. I cracked the window open to feel the cool breeze, hoping that would help Daniel.

I took a soaked towel and wiped the dirt off his face from being pushed. I found him incredibly hot after a fight. He breathed heavily and ran his fingers through his soft hair as I continued healing him. I dabbed the excess blood with a gauze and threw it out. When I returned to the bedside, Daniel was sitting up on his elbows. his head leaned backwards as he rubbed his neck. We sat in pleasant silence as I looked around the room.

I finally took a moment to think about everything that had happened tonight : meeting Johnny Lawrence, the fight, beating Daniel in air hockey, and the kiss.

His soft lips had mesmerized me and I forgot all about Dad. Dad. My heart plummeted to the deep deep bottom of my stomach. How could I let him down? He's probably so disappointed in me, I thought. Family was more important than some boy; my dad meant the world to me - he still does.
Addison and Mom would want me to follow Dad's words. They were the only family I had left and I couldn't let them down. The thought of losing Daniel, even though he isn't my boyfriend, crushed me ; the thought of losing the last part of my dad made me sick to my stomach. I was conflicted and didn't know what to do.

Daniel noticed my mind was elsewhere and reached for my arm in attempts to comfort me. He looked at me with caring eyes, but I gently pushed his arm away. It was best to avoid him.

A cute little old man came through the hallway. He held a tray with 3 teacups and placed it on the table, giving me a little smile. "Hello Mr. Miyagi," I said. He chuckled and waved hello.

"Daniel - san, what did you do this time?" Mr Miyagi asked.

"Nah it was just a small fight Mr Miyagi," Daniel said (with his cute Jersey accent), "nothin' much happened." Sure, I thought.

"Remember Daniel - San, karate is for self defense only. That is how my father taught me, and you will learn the same" he said.

"Yeah yeah I know I know, but Lawrence hit me first! I'll get him back Mr Miyagi. Johnny Lawrence will not get away with touching Lily like that" Daniel said.

"Daniel! No! Remember what my father said. Balance Daniel - san, balance." He said.

"Hey I thought your Dad was a fisher!" Daniel snapped.

"In Okinawa, all Miyagi know 2 things : fish and karate." He said, handing Daniel and I the tea.

"Whatever, I just want to get him back." said Daniel. He stormed into the other room, stomping along the way.

My eyes followed Daniel, but he disappeared down the hall. Mr Miyagi and I took and few sips of the warm, Okinawan tea. The tea felt nice against my throat. We made small chatter, talking about school and work as Daniel cooled off. Mr Miyagi grabbed a bonsai tree and started trimming.

|Daniel's POV|

I ran into Mr Miyagis training area and threw my jacket on bench. I took off my shoes and bowed before stepping onto the mat. I punched the punching bag once or twice, but it didn't seem to help me cool off. Instead, I went to my forte : kata.

Kata is a series of martial art movements combined into a choreographed routine. Aspects of it can be used in fighting, but right now I'm using it to calm down. Breathe.

get ready
low block
low block
side block

As I continued the kata (after the moves above ^) I felt a sense of tension leave my body. I was able to breathe and focus on the movements. All the stress I felt before was gone : tension between Lily and I (she pushed my hand away for an unknown reason) and my crave for revenge on Johnny.

I had found balance again; I tend to lose it sometimes. After all, I am a hothead.

|Lily's POV|

After 10 minutes went by, I asked Mr Miyagi if I could check on Daniel. I decided I should tell him that we wouldn't work out because of my Dad. It was getting late anyway, might as well go home. Daniel and I wouldn't be able to stay friends. Mr Miyagi looked up from trimming and nodded. I went down the hallway and found Daniel practicing karate - although it was different.

Daniel wasn't throwing around harsh punches or intense kicks. He was mainly using blocks and different stances. He actually seemed quite calm. Perfect time, I thought. I knocked on the door, even though it was open.

"Can I come in?" I said.

"Sure" he said.

"I was thinking about my feelings towards you and I-" I said. I stopped myself.

He looked at me in confusion.

I decided to talk about something else that's been on my mind. "Oh nevermind," I said casually, "What did Mr Miyagi mean when he said 'balance'."

Daniel didn't seem to notice the subject change. "Ah! Balance," he said, "It took me awhile to understand it, and honestly I don't think I still fully do."

"Balance can be described in many ways. To me, balance means that even though there is bad, there is always good to even it out. Sometimes you need to look at your life and control it - make it balanced." he said.

"Do you have your life balanced?" I asked

"No, and that's okay because Mr Miyagi helps me."he replied.

Mr. Miyagi walked into the room.

"Yes," said Mr Miyagi, "Lesson not just karate only. Lesson whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better."

I smiled and thought about the wise words they spoke. Maybe I need balance, I thought.

Moving to Reseda was terrible for me, until I met Daniel. Daniel makes me happy and so does my Dad. I don't need to ignore and stay away from Daniel ; he makes me smile the way nobody else here has. I also don't need to lose my Dad.

Daniel and I will stay friends, only friends, that way I don't disappoint Dad, myself or Daniel.

"Thank you," I said, "I really needed to hear that. Thanks for helping me figure things out."

Daniel smiled and so did Mr Miyagi

"I better get home" Daniel said.

I agreed. We both said goodbye to Mr Miyagi and he drove me home.

I have found balance - and I get to keep being friends with Daniel LaRusso

|Authors Note|

I'm sorry this chapter gets boring at times. I needed to build up Miyagi and Daniel's relationship and Daniel and Lily's - just friends. I tried to use as many actual Mr Miyagi quotes in here so props to you if you spot them!

Next chapter will be better :)

To be continued ♡

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