Soccer Field Showdown

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|Soccer Field Showdown|

My eyes expanded to the sides of my face. "Your boyfriend?!" I repeated her.

"Yep, the one and only Johnny Lawrence." Ali replied.

"But he was hitting on me! He wanted to hook up with me and -" I said.

"I believe you. Johnny always pressures me into doing dirty things with him, but I don't give in." She said.

I paused and thought about what Ali must go through if shes dating him.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked.

"Heres what I'm going to do" she replied.

She marched over to where Johnny and the other cobras were playing soccer - her ponytail flying in the wind. I followed her incase she needed any backing.

|Ali's POV|

Johnny's blue eyes met mine as he grabbed my waist and pressed my body onto his. He checked me out from bottom to top.

"Hey babe" he said.

I gave him a dirty glare and slapped him hard across the face, breaking free from the grasp on my waist.

"What the hell are you doing hitting on Lily? You have a girlfriend : me! You freaking jerk" I yelled.

Suddenly all the guys and girls in gym class were watching.

"Woah woah babe, calm down. What's wrong with hooking up with a hot babe?" he said as he stroked my cheek.

I tossed his hand away from me and said, "everything is wrong with that!"

Johnny's face turned fiery red and smoke came out of his ears. "What did you say?!" He yelled.

Before I knew it, Johnny's hand was about to meet my face.

He missed.

|Lily's POV|

Yes, Johnny's hand missed Ali's cheek, but not mine.

"Ow!" I winced.

Johnny's slap beamed on my face like a burn. I held my cheek in attempts to lessen the pain ; my cheek throbbed like a heartbeat, the heat covering my face.

I crouched on the field and covered my face so nobody could see how bad the bruise was. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel running towards me - the pain shortly stopped at the sight of him. I gave a small smile and he crouched down beside me.

"Lily! Lily are you okay?!" Daniel said. He took my hand and pulled me into his chest. I squeezed his hand tightly for comfort. I began to blush as my body leaned against his.

Everyone stood in a circle around us and watched Johnny sit down beside me.

"I'm so sorry Lily I didn't mean to hit you" Johnny apologized.

Daniel stood up so he was hovering over Johnny.

"You shouldn't be hitting anyone, you got that Lawrence?" Daniel snapped.

Johnny stood up, puffed his chest, and got in Daniel's face.

"Why do you care so much about Ali, LaRusso? You got the hots for her? You trying to steal my girl?" Johnny said.

"I'm just trying to defend my best friend, Lily, okay? I love her. Leave her and her friend alone" Daniel replied.

"Best friend, huh? I think it's more than that LaRusso. I saw you at Golf-" Johnny said.

"You better watch it Johnny!" Daniel said.

"What are you gonna do about it? You're an L7 Weenieee!" he yelled, " you're just mad because she wouldn't smash you afterwards. I mean, who would want to?! Shrimp."

Daniel clenched his fists, making marks on his hands.

Daniel punched Johnny in the gut and the crowd stepped back.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" they yelled.

Johnny regained his balance and got ready to hit Daniel, when a girl placed her hand on Johnny's chest.

"Babe! Are you alright?" she yelled.

Her long blonde hair flowed in the wind as she pecked Johnny on the lips. Who is this girl? I only see the back of her head. Did Johnny have another girlfriend besides Ali?

"Yeah baby, everything's alright" Johnny said as he felt her up.

Everyone looked at the couple in complete and udder shock and disgust - except the Cobras who were cheering Johnny on. What in the world was this guy doing with his girlfriend in a public place - after a fight!

I stood up and brushed the grass off my clothes. Daniel looked at my bruise with deep concern, then my eyes. I pulled him into a friendly hug. "It's okay, I'm okay" I whispered into his ear.

Johnny's supposive girlfriend turned around and I got a clear view of her face. I tilted my head in confusion. She had long blonde hair and hazel eyes like my own, although my hair was brown.


|Authors Note|

Sooo this was a really fun chapter to write! Hopefully the ending isn't too confusing to follow.

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ps I'm terrible with chapter names I am so so sorry:(

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