The Koi Fish

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I'm sitting at this pond and staring into the water, looking at all these fish that everyone else loves to come and catch. I don't get it. Most of these little shits just look hideous and unappealing. To think people go "Damn I would love to cook that one up." Like what the hell? Have you seen these fish? Can you see at all? It's not even like the minnows or the bass, there's tons of fish in this crappy pond and they attract the dumbest of people for no good reason. Very few of these fish don't piss me off just from the sight of them, and they seem like pretty cool fish once you get to looking. They got shiny scales or they got a unique color or pattern to them that makes them stand out. Then you realize it's still a shitty fish.

Now I'm ready to just say fuck this pond and these fish and just bail off the dock, because this is the biggest waste of time I've ever had to deal with. You keep hearing "Man! You see that fish! The pond is home to some of the most beautiful fish in the world!" The hell it does! I've been to other ponds and they suck just as much. Literally no where lives up to the hype you are given once you get there. Personally I was ready to just abandon fish all together and focus on birds or some shit like that. At the last possible second, I saw this really cool koi fish.

Now this fish was different from the rest, even other koi fish. Really weird thing was it didn't look any special compared to the others, but for some reason I thought to myself "I get it now, this is what people see in these things. That is one kick ass fish." I wanted to catch it and put it in a little aquarium in my house; having that rockin' fish would make my home seem so much better. It would be like redecorating with just the tilt of a single painting; while it barely makes a difference, it just feels so right and satisfying.

So I caught that fish and took it home, but the fish was scared. "Ok, fish is in uncharted territory. I can relate." So I spent the time to help this fish get comfortable and life was going great since then. Up until one day like a damn idiot I threw the fish out when I got mad at the fish for not speaking back. I chucked that sea creature back into the pond and left in a fit of rage. Shortly after I realized fish can't talk and I'm a retard. So I go back after a little and find the fish waiting for me. Apparently the fish and taken a stronger connection to me than I thought. So I gathered the fish and went back home. Now things were great again for a while until once again I threw it out. This time because I tripped on the rug and broke the glass and the fish was suffocating. So the first thought in my head was to take it back to the pond so it could keep living. So I do that, but damn I like that fish, thing looks like Japanese art come to life. So I buy a new tank and go back and get this fish; who thankfully still had a bond with me. Now everything was golden for the longest time until I just got so mad one day that I went over to the tank and grabbed the fish, and threw that thing into the pond and didn't look back to see if it even landed in the water.

I was happy to be rid of that thing, only until after I cooled down and realized what I had done. That thing was awesome. So I go back to the pond and the fish is still there, waiting for me and looking at me to come get it. I pick up the fish, but before I start walking home I realize something. I keep throwing this thing away, and even shattered its tank and bruised this fish up. Now I feel like an asshole. I stare at the fish and it just stares back, the fish wants to go back home, because it's been so long now that that's where it feels like it really belongs. However I look at this fish and then at the others in the water behind it. Those ugly bastards don't hold a candle to this marvel in my hands, and I've been torturing the epic one! The one I think is actually super cool is the same one that I've been constantly getting rid of out of anger. So I think very long and hard, and I come to what I believe is the best conclusion.

I gently place the fish back into the water, and tell it to swim away. The fish just stares at me and even tries swimming into my hands before I pull away. I shoo the fish away and tell it to leave me alone. I think this fish is astounding, and the last thing I want to do is keep tormenting, and potentially even killing this fish. So I decide to let it go back in the water, so it may live a more peaceful life without me. Well after some time, the fish finally decided to leave. It swam away and I started to walk home. I couldn't sleep that night. That fish was the most rad thing I had ever seen, and I just got rid of it like it was nothing. I force myself to believe I did the right thing before finally coming to the conclusion. This fish is indestructible and I and going to keep smacking that fish like it's some sort of crack addiction, but having that thing in my house just makes everything better and happier. Like it hardly makes a difference, but it just makes me feel content with my life. So I get a flashlight and I go out into the night and back to the pond, where I seek the fish of my dreams. 

I searched for a little, as it wasn't in the normal spot. Then suddenly I found it, the fish was swimming towards a crab! "No fishy! Don't do it!" I cried, yet the fish did not hear me, and proceeded towards the crab. When it got close enough, the crustacean lunged out and grabbed the fish and dragged it down to the bottom of the pond. I freaked out and jumped in to get my fish back from that shellfish bastard. However, the night sky and the dark water prevented me from seeing once I went under. It was pitch black in front of me, and I couldn't see where the crab had gone. I shined my flashlight, but only found plain normy fish. No sign of that special koi fish, or the crab. I searched for hours until finally giving up. "The fish is dead," I thought to myself, and I retreated home to where I would cry myself to sleep. Now my house will look like garbage and my heart will be an empty pond. I awoke the next morning, and made myself some breakfast. I tried to forget about last night, but the thoughts wouldn't shake. I decided to go down to the pond again and keep searching. Ironically I spotted the fish before even making it to the water. I ran to the pond to gather up the fish in my arms, but the fish would only stare at me as the crab returned and would grab the fish and sink the floor. I dove in after but couldn't find the fish or crab, the same as the night before. I searched and searched to no avail. I left and when the next day came I ran to the pond and saw my fish. As soon as I got close, the crab would snatch up the fish and sink away. Day after day I keep going back to that pond, hoping one day I will get that fish before that crab steals it from me again. I've cursed myself to this fate, and I doubt I shall ever rid myself of this living nightmare.

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