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Am I the only one who sees the world as both full of opportunity and bullshit at the same time? Certainly feels like it. Almost like I'm an alien that doesn't actually belong here. I mean my gosh it's amazing the amount of unfairness and overall garbage in this world. The worst part is you here all these stories of people speaking out just like me, claiming to be different and wanting to change how the world works, when all they really are is the same as everyone else. They just bitch loud enough and someone holds up a camera. I swear I am the only one who views the world the way I do; and don't give me that horse shit of "everyone sees everything differently." Fuck you, that's not true at all. That only works with certain things, while majority people still see the exact same thing. For example, a rock is gonna be seen as a rock and nothing more. A geologist or someone similar might see it more detailed and find a deeper meaning and purpose to that rock, but it's still a rock.

Now we come to my viewpoints. Good Hell where do I begin. I understand everyone believes that they are right and everyone else is wrong should they think otherwise, but it's different when you're actually right and the rest of the world is wrong. Of course I sound like an ass or a know it all when I say this, because other people have said the same thing. Problem is, they actually are wrong and I really am right.

Or maybe I'm not. You know that thought gets me curious. We can look at this from two sides and determine the most logical conclusion resulting feom each possibility. Now on one hand we assume that the rest of the world is right and I'm wrong. Suicide, sweet and simple. Sounds bad right? Think about it, if I'm wrong and the world is right, then why the fuck would I want to stay and swim upstream this river when I'm going towards the bear and every other fish is going to a brighter place. It sounds bad, trust me it does, but it makes sense. If I really am wrong, then why bother continuing because I will only cause problems and seek to corrupt those around me when I believe I'm helping them. Now on the other hand, let's assume the world is wrong and I'm right. Best thing to do is simply be the best person I can be and try to help as many people as I can. Almost like ancient teachings that teach self improvement and are the instructions leading towards a brighter tomorrow; if I can decipher this code, then it only makes the most sense to try and teach the new alphabet to as many people as I can. I look around and see corruption and pollution of the mind and soul and seek to cleanse them of their misfortune and replace them with new and correct knowledge. I'm not foolish enough to believe that i could change the world, or a country, or even the town I live in. But I do believe that I am capable of changing the lives of a handful of individuals. A group of people who are accepting of the message and who are willing to walk with me towards the stars.

I firmly believe I see the truth in this world and don't wear the blindfold of bullshit as most do. I view people differently and how the act and react to certain situations is rather interesting to me. Men and women never cease to astound me, as each day that passes by they continue to demonstrate how the gap between my mind and the rest of humanity grows daily. I always find myself asking the same question. If I'm wrong, how can I tell; and if I'm right, how can I tell I'm helping others rather than hurting them?

The Tomes of Allagan: Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now