The Stone Carver

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Once lived a man with little known fame. He was known for his cheerful demeanor, yet not for his skill he worked on day and night. Carving the stones, and sculpting perfection, yet he never reached his young ambitions. His dreams out of reach, he sought other reason to live. Finding his chisel, he found it in stone. He marked out his path, and a map of his mind. He built cities and monuments and things of the sort, yet never was rewarded for all his hard work. The man one day, sat above the clouds, looking down at the land to which he had built. The people rejoiced in their new civilizations, but didn't give credit to the poor Mason working. With each passing day, the man he grew grim, as more and more began to go wrong in his life. Finally one day he was met with a man, with bones covered by a night black robe. With his scythe in his hand and his empty black eyes, Death spoke to the man, "it's not your time to die." But the man he refused and argued with Death, screaming he saw no purpose in living anymore. With one final strike he chiseled his heart, and fell to the ground, all became dark. The last bit of peace remained forever in mind, as the sculptor suffered forever. Before the eternal damnation that lie in wait, Death gestured to a chair made of rock and a blank slate. "You've not got the thanks you deserve for all your hard work. But I would thank you, for this mighty fine chair, and this wonderful pure rock to do with whatever I care." And with that the man let out a smile, before being cast into the fire. He had gotten what he wanted in life, only a tad bit to late, and at the cost of too much strife.

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