I Refuse to Believe this...

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Good Heavens where do I begin. I can't describe the daily frustration I feel deep within. The anger coursing through my veins as I am to witness complete bullshit! The absolute worst part is that their truly is no explaining this shit. Straight up this is the most mind puzzling thing I've ever encountered in my life. What truly pisses me off beyond what I already am is I can't talk about it! It sounds dumb, it really does, and it is dumb; but that's just how it is because if I even attempt to bring this topic to light then I will look like the bad guy. Nothing in life brings me as much pain and mental rage as this, I literally on an almost daily basis just consider saying fuck it all and jumping from a plane and never pulling the parachute. I want to talk to someone about this, I really do, but again I will just seem like a fool. This world is a roller coaster of bullshit. You climb out of it and all seems good until you fall right back down into it. I'm not wrong either! I'm not in the wrong, and I can see what this world is really like, and there is one specific detail that just sends me over the edge. I can deal with the other stuff, but this one thing just made me lose my mind and has me constantly thinking of a reasoning behind it or a solution to fix it. I'll be damned a thousand times over before this ever changes. Screw flying, pigs will colonize venus and terraform the planet before this ever changes. This little detail is ruining my mentality and driving me to insanity, and I'm not sure how much longer I can take it. This is the most surreal thing I've ever experienced in my life and can safely say is the most bullshit aspect of life throughout all history! Learning of the past and it's problems, yet this stille exist and is overlooked by absolutely everyone. Heaven and Hell I am fucking flabbergasted at life and am so close to juse giving up. Life has so much going for it and so mich to live for, yet with this tear in the painting, not just any tear, this specific tear, I don't know if it's worth it anymore; and I have to keep this all to myself...I can't tell anyone because no one else sees things the way I do and understands things like I do. I want someone to see the world I do, and to notice this one thing like me! It's not that hard, literally it's super simple to notice if you just pay attention even the slightest...I'm tired of trying and I hate that I will forever be the only one who has noticed this detail. No one in the past has noticed this as it is not recorded and no one in the future will see it either. I'm disappointed that this is what my life has come to and even more so that it will never revert back to before I noticed this severe thorn in ny side.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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