Common Sense

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It astounds me that I fill certain roles of idiocy and lack of common sense. Researching and reading about different situations that tell of either a man or woman being dumb in the scenario and missing the obvious poke. I've always found it humorous to read others failures and consider nyself better. But only recently have I realized I am no better. I could be looking into this topic too much and overthinking it; however I do believe that I have joined the ranks of those with the inability to realize the simplicity of select situations. With this new information I find myself pondering what could have been should I have been smarter, and if I would have continued to remain a fool would it have suited my life better? Does the man throw a rock he passes by or merely ignore it? Targets have been painted but what is the goal and why should he bother? Connections to questions with similar fates leave me puzzled on my decisions and character as a whole. Perhaps in time I shall doscover the answer I seek and learn if I truly have made the right decision or not.

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