Chapter 1

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Deserey woke up with a pounding in her head. She groaned as she sat up, looking around to realize she didn't recognize anyone else on the roof.

Amelia groaned as she sat up and said, "Where the hell am I?"

Other people started waking up as well.

"What's going on?" Deserey grumbled "I was literally in the middle of sleeping." She folded her arms over herself moodily.

"Why don't you ask the guy who knocked us out and kidnapped us?" the young black man said. He seemed just as angry as Deserey felt. "British dude with a flashy thing? Ring any bells?"

"Yes, actually, anyone here actually get a good look at him?" Amelia asked.

"The name's Rip Hunter." The British man from earlier stepped out into the light, seemingly appearing from out of nowhere.

"Well, that's a fake name if I've ever heard one," Deserey commented.

"It does sound pretty fake," Amelia said, flashing her award winning smile at Deserey.

Deserey couldn't help blushing at the sight. She had always been pretty useless around pretty girls. Or boys. Or just pretty people in general. Or... people in general, really.

"So, why did you kidnap us. Me... I kind of get, but I don't know these people," Amelia said. It probably would be useful for people to kidnap her, she was famous, so the kidnapper would probably get money. But she figured since she didn't know these other people, that's not why they were kidnapped.

"I've assembled you all here, because I need your help," Rip said. "The world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

"That...also sounds like a fake name," Deserey muttered.

Amelia laughed, hearing Des. Her laugh sounded amazing, like bells.

"I've been tasked with gathering an elite team to stop him," Rip went on, ignoring them.

"Well, I like the world and all, but... how do we stop him?" Amelia asked. "All I do is... talk."

"We'll travel through time and capture him before he grows into the monster he becomes," Rip explained.

"Cool, cool, cool, sounds fake, but definitely cool," Amelia said, rolling her eyes.

Deserey nodded in agreement with Amelia. "Yeah, really fake. What is this? Some kind of prank?"

"Yeah, Mr. Hunter, is this a prank?" Amelia asked, turning her charm on, pouring sweetness into her voice, pulling people towards her. Everyone wanted to hear her talk more.

"No," Rip said, doing his best to ignore her voice and continue what he came to do. "I can assure you this is not a prank. The world is in very serious jeopardy, and Vandal Savage even killed my wife and son."

"But I thought we destroyed him," Hawkman said.

"Mhm. And hero ain't on my resume," Leonard said.

"Or mine," Mick added.

Amelia looked at them in surprise. She recognized them. She didn't say anything though.

"Okay. Say you are telling the truth," Deserey said. "What makes you so sure we're the right people for the job?"

"I agree with this chick, like I said, I don't do much beyond talking," Amelia said, winking at Deserey when she turned to her.

"Look, I know it might be difficult for you to fathom, but where -- when -- I'm from, the year 2166, you, and everyone on this roof, aren't just considered heroes...You're Legends," Rip told them.

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