Chapter 3

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“Gideon, station us in the temporal zone while I work on repairs,” Rip said as everyone walked onto the bridge.

"Ooh, what's that?" Amelia asked him.

"It's essentially a time limbo," Rip said. "We can hide out there while I repair the ship."

"A time limbo? Astonishing," Stein commented, as if his voice just needed to be heard in that moment.

"Oh, there's something you people don't know about time travel? That's surprising, considering none of you have ever time traveled before," Rip scoffed.

Deserey rolled her eyes as the time master began ranting. She didn't need to be told how useless she was. She got enough of that from herself.

"Blah-blah-blah boring lecture, we get it, I've heard enough boring lectures in my lifetime and I'm only 24, I get them mainly from everyone I've ever worked with," Amelia rolled her eyes, lying about her age on reflex.

Rip looked very annoyed at her for that comment, and he might have lectured her about it, but before he could get a word out Kendra had punched him in the face. She shouted, "My son is hurt because of you! Who attacked us?"

"That chick is hot," Amelia muttered under her breath.

"Oh yeah," Deserey nodded in agreement.

"It's something of a long story," Rip said with a sigh.

"Are you assuming we have something better to do right now?" Amelia asked.

Rip sighed. "Chronos works for the time former employers."

Deserey frowned, confused.

"I thought you were a time master!?" Sara said.

"I relinquish my position as a time master when I took the Waverider," Rip admitted.

Sara punched him hard.

"Damn that escalated!" Amelia yelled.

"Will you people please stop hitting me??" Rip shouted.

"Start telling the truth!" Sara hissed.

Amelia nodded looking at her in interest.

"I already told you the truth," Rip insisted. "Savage killed my wife and child. I didn't lie about how dangerous this mission is or the brutality and ruthlessness of Savage. My only lie was that I was employed by the Time Masters." He seemed annoyed at having been caught in his lie.

Deserey rolled her eyes, scoffing. "Well, that makes it all better doesn't it?"

Amelia nodded in agreement, "So, I'm gonna need confirmation on why you picked this group of people, tell the truth or I punch you too."

"I chose you ten because a hundred years from now your lives have minimal impact on the future," Rip admitted.

Amelia nodded. She always knew it would end up like that. After all, after she fell out of style the public would just replace her.

Deserey looked down sadly. She had always known she was ultimately useless, and this just confirmed it.

Jax scoffed, angry that he had been kidnapped for no reason. "Great, so we're like the opposite of Legends."

Amelia looked at Deserey and put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

Deserey looked back at her, giving her a wry smile. It was clearly forced though.

Amelia raised her eyebrow at Deserey.

"I understand given the circumstances if you wish to return home," Rip said. "We can make the time jump once repairs are made and Professor Boardman stabilizes."

Amelia nodded as everyone walked off, she walked over to Deserey.

"Do you think you're gonna stay?" Deserey asked her.

"I don't know. Probably. I always knew I wasn't gonna be a legend. As soon as I wasn't pretty anymore, they would've just replaced me," Amelia shrugged.

"Well, you got farther than the rest of us," Deserey told her.

Amelia tilted her head in agreement, nodded slightly. "What about you?"

She shrugged. "I'm as useless as they come. It's not much of a shocker honestly."

"No, that's uh, not what I meant, I meant, are you gonna stay?" Amelia giggled. "My fault, poor phrasing."

"Oh," Des blushed, a bit embarrassed that she had misunderstood. She shrugged. "I guess so. No one is waiting for me back home so…"

"I'm sure that's not true, you must have family," Amelia said.

She shook her head. "My parents kicked me out a long time ago, and I haven't talked to my sister since then either. My kids hate me, and my husband divorced me because I'm a depressed piece of trash."

"I'm sure your kids don't hate you. And you're not trash. You're cute, and you look natural. Lots of my friends would be jealous of your natural beauty, because so many of them have to pile on tons of makeup," Amelia said.

Deserey laughed. "Well, I got my looks from gender transition surgery, so not really that natural." She was speaking very quietly by the end of her sentence. People usually got annoyed by her cynicism.

"I mean, you still look pretty," Amelia smiled.

"Uh, I better. That shit costs a lot of money," Deserey laughed again.

Amelia laughed, smiling.

Deserey smiled back at her.

"Uh, you wanna do something?" Amelia asked. She was having and odd feeling, like butterflies. But, she didn't get butterflies. Ever.

"Sure," Des said, nodding slowly.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Amelia asked.

"Uh, wanna play a board game?" Des suggested.

"Yeah, sure let's go!" Amelia grabbed her hand.

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