Chapter 6

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Ch 6 

A few hours passed and Ray and Stein were getting nowhere with saving Kendra. Jax was fixing up the jump ship for Rip, while the captain and Sara went off somewhere. And Deserey was fairly certain Rory and Snart were up to something, but she didn't care enough to poke her nose into it, despite her natural nosy nature. So, that left her and Amelia some alone time. 

Amelia was awkwardly trying to avoid talking to her. She was reading a book she found somewhere. And she was wearing glasses, which Deserey had never seen on her before.

Deserey was drawing in her sketch book, getting the sense that Amelia was avoiding her. She shifted, uncomfortable with the idea of being ignored. 

Amelia took her glasses off and set them down, closing the book with a sigh. "I love that book, and yet you're making it where I can't concentrate on it. How does one person do that? Is that what I do to other people?"

"Sorry…" Deserey mumbled, shoving her head down into her sketch pad. 

"Its not your fault. You're just… really pretty. And I can't concentrate. It's not a bad thing," Amelia said.

Deserey looked back up at her, smiling the tiniest bit. "Really?" 

"No not really, I was talking to the wall," Amelia said sarcastically. "I was talking to you, and I was being truthful."

"I haven't really heard that in a long time," she admitted. 

"Well, you deserve to be called pretty," Amelia said.

She shrugged. 

Amelia sighed, "you do." 

"If you say so," Deserey said. 

Amelia sighed at her, and got up. "I'm gonna go."

She nodded slowly. "Okay." 

Amelia left the room accidentally leaving her glasses.

"Uh, you forgot --" Deserey tried to tell her, but she was already gone. "Um…" She stared at the glasses awkwardly for a moment. 

Amelia headed to her room, not even remembering her glasses.

Deserey grabbed them and got up, awkwardly standing in the middle of the room and taking way longer to decide to go to Amelia's room to return them then she usually would have.

Amelia's door was open and she was looking on the ground for something.

Deserey knocked on the door lightly. "Um, you, uh, forgot these." 

"Okay, set them on the table. Ah ha! There you are!" She was talking to this earring she found on the ground.

"Okay." Deserey nodded. She placed the glasses down and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Amelia said. "Uh, do you want to watch t.v with me?"

Deserey turned around. "Oh, uh, sure." 

"Okay, what do you want to watch?" Amelia asked.

"Why don't you choose this time?" Des suggested. 

"Oh, uh, The Good Place," Amelia settled on.

"Okay," Deserey said, coming deeper into the room. 

Amelia turned on the show, smiling. 

Deserey smiled too, sitting next to her. 

"I love this show," Amelia smiled, laying her head on her shoulder, not even realizing she was doing it.

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